Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 126,511,783 Issue: 256 | 8th day of Gathering, Y8
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by scar19

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They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Three
After the squeaky snow boot incident, it was hard for Sam to go to school every day and have to face Miss Valstak again. But her owner still forced her to go to school...

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Encountering Resistance: Part Nine
"Oh, this is bad," muttered Roshen, looking over his shoulder at the hordes of Mutants thundering towards them...

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Finny's Corner
Those Commentator Action Figures know a lot of nifty details.

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Where ARE They Now?
The lucky owners who were able to get this limited edition pet sometimes decide they don't want their Lutari anymore. So, they put them up for adoption. But, they must've forgotten that the lovely Lutari doesn't actually go into the pound. The question is why.

by stopthespamming

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