Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 119,338,143 Issue: 240 | 19th day of Hunting, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The rich are worshipped, the poor get fought for, but who remembers those in-between?

Safely Visiting Virtupets

Now, the tourism that the Space Station gets does give Virtupets a financial boast; however, there are one or two... problems... that we get from having too many tourists snooping around the premises. Therefore, I’ve compiled a short guide of tips for you touristy minded Neopians...

Cost of Doing Business

Whenever you have a choice to make, whenever you do anything you fail to do something that you could have been doing instead. When you choose to scratch a scratchcard rather than sell it you lose the opportunity to sell the scratchcard. Simple. But what did the lost opportunity cost?

Cardboard Petpets

What if your owner listens to your two thousand word presentation on the benefits of petpets and gives you a flat out no? What if a stray Meerca ate your wallet and you are out of money? Well, have no fear. My name is Monsieur_Bob, and I’m here to tell you all about your pet’s new best friend- cardboard...

Other Stories
"Isabella's Best Friend" by beau_lis
Among these lucky diners sat Isabella, a Tyrannian Elephante. She was a bit shy about her large size and furry coat. Even so, she was well liked by others at the pound. She looked at the goodies, wondering if she wanted ham or chicken. It was a very hard choice...

"A New Friendship" by brenicaevf333
"Oh!" Cleyluna let out a cry of surprise as a passerby shoved into her shoulder, nearly causing her to fall on her face. Catching her footing and clutching Elroy to her chest, who was panting heavily with fear from the near accident, she glared at the Neopet...

"Ezanna on Edge" by battlesunn
The skunk Krawk tried mustering the energy to work, but whenever he thought of taking a sheet of paper, writing out the question and filling in the answer, his heart began to beat at a quicker pace and his claws became moist with sweat. "I'll never finish it all..."

The Shelves are Stuffed

This week's issue is brought to you by: Plushie Palace
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Great stories!


Never Trust a Lawyerbot
I'm so glad we can finally go on vacation!

by togepi_forever


Ezanna on Edge
"I'll never finish it all," he moaned. "Never! Why bother even starting?"

by battlesunn


Miss Earthwing
Earthwing gazed out at the audience seated in front of her desk. "Now, class," she said in a prim, proper voice...

by oldnavyfan10


Trading Post - a Simple Guide
It has been my experience that a good many Neopians tend to overlook the Trading Post as a viable source of good deals, either because they haven't the patience to seek them out or because they are driven away by the chance at making a bad deal. I find it a shame...

by tyleraapje


Epic Proportions
That explains why it's so dark here.

by jelly_bean_qween

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