Meow Circulation: 119,338,143 Issue: 240 | 19th day of Hunting, Y8
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Short Stories

Miss Earthwing

Earthwing gazed out at the audience seated in front of her desk. "Now, class," she said in a prim, proper voice...

by oldnavyfan10
Ezanna on Edge

"I'll never finish it all," he moaned. "Never! Why bother even starting?"

by battlesunn
Katie the Enchantress

"Katie, do you want to fly now?" he asked...

by kindheartedfairy
Isabella's Best Friend

Among these lucky diners sat Isabella, a Tyrannian Elephante. She was a bit shy about her large size and furry coat. Even so, she was well liked...

by beau_lis
Don't Cry, My Little Love

Jessica says that no-one out there knows about us, or the work we do here. She says that the gates are guarded by a fierce robot of some kind...

by rainbow_daydreamer
The Would-Be Detective: Where is Dr. Sloth?

"Has anyone seen Dr. Sloth?"

by silentbutterfly
Balthazar Bait

"Sophie, are you sure you want to do this?" fretted the worried voice of an unusual Dark Faerie, brow creased with concern...

by grapesourhorse
A New Friendship

"I don't want you getting squashed," Cleyluna muttered at the wide-eyed Mazzew. "You're the only one here to keep me company."

by brenicaevf333
Wager's Curse

"Well, the other day, I was just wonderin' where exactly the Snowager came from," Ellie blurted...

by twilight_zelda
You Should Never Be Too Cocky

Geraptiku. The abandoned city. The name alone gave him thrills of the discoveries and adventures hidden deep within the tomb...

by bunni287
The Dice Bringer

King Roo slammed a paw on his throne. "This is so frustrating!" he shouted. "I just wish this would end and I would be happy!"

by keiga_clothilda
Search the Neopian Times


"A New Friendship" by brenicaevf333
"Oh!" Cleyluna let out a cry of surprise as a passerby shoved into her shoulder, nearly causing her to fall on her face. Catching her footing and clutching Elroy to her chest, who was panting heavily with fear from the near accident, she glared at the Neopet...

Other Stories


Top-Ten Pie Countdown
Everything that you need to know about which pies are cooler than ice or older than dirt.

by weirdo_number_7


The Vegetation Revolution: Smugglers' Cove
Swords, axes and shields: three obvious weapons of choice for your battling Neopets. However, the Battledome does not always work this way.

by mazoku_kuiin


Return of the Double Agent: Part Eight
"Jeran, don't make me use this wand on you. Kayla's been tweaking it lately and she can make it spout mutant Kadoaties..."

Also by shadowcristal

by precious_katuch14


The Fall of Qasala: Part Three
"Who cares? The illusion was about to fail, and we can hold them anyway," Jazan insisted sulkily...

by danama


In the Shadows of Neopia
A taste of his own medicine!

by morrigan_a_aensland


Lined Paper MADNESS!
There. All better.

Also by yumzy2

by 8nlangen

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