Whenever you have a choice to make, whenever you do anything you fail to do something that you could have been doing instead. When you choose to scratch a scratchcard rather than sell it you lose the opportunity to sell the scratchcard. Simple. But what did the lost opportunity cost?
Isabella's Best Friend Among these lucky diners sat Isabella, a Tyrannian
Elephante. She was a bit shy about her large size and furry coat. Even so, she
was well liked...
The Vegetation Revolution: Smugglers' Cove Swords, axes and shields: three obvious weapons of choice for your
battling Neopets. However, the Battledome does not always work this way.
Guide to the Jubble Bubble Trophy Jubble Bubble is the new craze to hit Maraqua. Whether it's getting a valuable
piece of a Maraquan World Challenge map or an adorable trophy with a Maraquan
JubJub on it, I hope to help you improve on this fun game.
The Path to Freedom: Part Three It was cold in the evil clouds. Rain splashed
on Sampson and Julie constantly; after being in the cloud for five minutes,
they were soaked through...