Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Short Stories


Amiaxa desperately wanted a petpet.

by chestnuttiger787
King Sloth: A Day in My Life

My name is Sloth - Your Majesty Lord King Sloth, to be precise. I am going to give you readers the privilege of reading about a day in my life...

Also written by bobcatplayer_1_0_2

by orlando_bloom_bigfan

The Rusty Chain - A Home for Abandoned Spooky Pups

The thing was shivering with the cold and wet. Its fur was all matted and its four ears drooped all the way to the ground...

by rainingzomutts
Bob Didn't See It Coming!

For as long as he could remember, Bob had been a loyal petpet, a trustworthy companion for Max, the Faerie Acara.

by bandagor_3737

Whenever he would even think about taking the smallest bit of food, just enough to fill his tummy a bit, he would get something thrown at him, or he would be thrown out.

by lissiekat10
Finding Aiko

In the distance, I heard birds singing and water trickling.

I had no idea what I was doing here.

Or, more importantly, where I was.

by tooxie

The Diary of A Pirate Snowbunny

It has been a year since that dreadful blizzard. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

by sarahbunnii
A Feepit's Tale

"Captain," the static infused voice greeted me. "The Green Kacheek forgot his umbrella."

"Fortunate then, that it is not raining," I replied, to verify my identity.

by neo_cool_dude12

Ben and the Great Turmaculus

Each year they would hold a giant feast for Turmaculus...

by rose_consumption
Ona Without an Owner

There was once an Ona, who was so defiantly against the idea of being purchased that he spent all of his days hiding under a loose floorboard...

by mrs_cherish
It's Kind Of A Smelly Story

Balluna the Mutant Blumaroo and How He Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Slorg

by flyingape
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"It's Kind Of A Smelly Story" by flyingape
Half-eaten Poisonous Jelly, last year's Altador Cup's banners, and dung scatter as far as the eye can see. No treasure to be found here. Of course, unless you're into Half-eaten Poisonous Jelly. If that's your thing, then head on down. But most people aren't really fans...

Other Stories


How to Be a Petpet Crusader: A Petpet Rescue Guide
Petpet Rescue is demystified in my step-by-step walkthrough - complete with 8 helpful tips!

by qelato


Why The South Pole Should Be Neopia's Next Land
Even the oldest of maps showed that at the south-most point of Neopia is a land of ice. Yet no explorer has journeyed to see what is hidden in this frigid world.

by a_greenparrot


Greenglade: Part Eight
"Of course not." Akorri turned his head away. "Why would I worry about you of all people?"

by aquadaika


Mr. Jennings Must Die: Part Four
A ghost Zafara drifted through the wall at the sound of his voice.

"We have a visitor, Rasputin," Manzazuu announced.

"Thrilling," the Zafara said rather sadly.

by herdygerdy


P.S. I Hate You - Patience

by swissical


No Fooling!
A tribute for Petpet Appreciation Day

by aruanahansel

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