A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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New Series

The Eternal Paint Brushes: Part One

It was a world without color. A world that was cast in nothing but white, until they came. The Eternal Paint Brushes. No one knows who made them or how they came...

by rider_galbatorix
Finding a Home: Part One

"This is the Petpet Protection League, open up!" Cassie yelled, banging on the door.

by angelpuss535
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The PPL On Yooyuball

Have you ever wondered why the PPL allows Yooyuball to be played? Sure, it's an important tradition, but why should anybody be allowed to hurl petpets around like that? Yooyuball might seem like a dangerous sport for Yooyus at a glance, but the PPL has made sure that it presents no problems for them whatsoever. Here are five of the most important aspects that the PPL has...

Other Stories


Ben and the Great Turmaculus
Each year they would hold a giant feast for Turmaculus...

by rose_consumption


Whenever he would even think about taking the smallest bit of food, just enough to fill his tummy a bit, he would get something thrown at him, or he would be thrown out.

by lissiekat10


Why The South Pole Should Be Neopia's Next Land
Even the oldest of maps showed that at the south-most point of Neopia is a land of ice. Yet no explorer has journeyed to see what is hidden in this frigid world.

by a_greenparrot


Top 10 Petpets That Don't Need Protecting
In honour of Petpet Appreciation Day, I'm going to tell you all about 10 petpets that don't need any help from the PPL when it comes to keeping themselves safe because they're strong and tough enough to fend for themselves.

by mercy_angel


P.S. I Hate You - Patience

by swissical


Not a Good Combination

by swisscat

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