Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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How to Care for Your Petpet: Weewoos

Weewoo care may seem easy, but there quite a few things to consider when raising one.

by black_skull725
How to Be a Petpet Crusader: A Petpet Rescue Guide

Petpet Rescue is demystified in my step-by-step walkthrough - complete with 8 helpful tips!

by qelato
Waking up the Turmaculus

Really, do you blame the Turmaculus? I certainly don't. I feel very sad for him.

by horserider_x
Top 10 Petpets That Don't Need Protecting

In honour of Petpet Appreciation Day, I'm going to tell you all about 10 petpets that don't need any help from the PPL when it comes to keeping themselves safe because they're strong and tough enough to fend for themselves.

by mercy_angel
Why The South Pole Should Be Neopia's Next Land

Even the oldest of maps showed that at the south-most point of Neopia is a land of ice. Yet no explorer has journeyed to see what is hidden in this frigid world.

by a_greenparrot
Mirsha Grelinek: An Interview

The star captain of Team Shenkuu tells all about Altador Cup VII!

by dandelioncupcake
Why Yooyuball is Allowed by the PPL

A certified safe sport.

by emilyralphy
Top 10 Snacks for your Altador Cup Rally

Ten delicious snacks to serve you and your friends this season as you shoot for that All-Star trophy.

by seoulful
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"It's Kind Of A Smelly Story" by flyingape
Half-eaten Poisonous Jelly, last year's Altador Cup's banners, and dung scatter as far as the eye can see. No treasure to be found here. Of course, unless you're into Half-eaten Poisonous Jelly. If that's your thing, then head on down. But most people aren't really fans...

Other Stories


The Diary of A Pirate Snowbunny
It has been a year since that dreadful blizzard. I still remember that day like it was yesterday.

by sarahbunnii


Whenever he would even think about taking the smallest bit of food, just enough to fill his tummy a bit, he would get something thrown at him, or he would be thrown out.

by lissiekat10


Greenglade: Part Eight
"Of course not." Akorri turned his head away. "Why would I worry about you of all people?"

by aquadaika


Caylis's Necklace: Part Six
Reisna's maniacal laughter echoed from the throne room to the rooms nearby. It was clear to the palace guards that the Drenched had captured the king, but none of them dared try to stop them...

by saeryena


Ventures #17
Inter-Mission Part 4. He's only about one-tenth as strong as the Snowager anyways, so who's worrying?

by neo_coaster363


Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 4
You must be this tall to warrant Dr. Sloth's attention.

by supercheezee

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