Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 189,095,624 Issue: 548 | 8th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Not a Good Combination


by swisscat
Psychotic! Mahrelle part 1

Well, I guess everyone's afraid of something...

by bellepsyche
Mr. Slug vs Dr. Sloth 4

You must be this tall to warrant Dr. Sloth's attention.

by supercheezee
Sassi Comics: Trapped in the Temple


by seiya_from_ashes
4. Little Known Facts - Bree

I found something unbelievable! She has a...

Art by vampirebunny18

by sarcasticdeath

550 Reasons Why Lupes Are Awesome

Being a Lupe has its advantages.

by lovisa966
Gaming Gone Wrong: Snowball Fight

Looks like someone's not getting a quest...

Idea by mikh26

by leedom111

Ventures #17

Inter-Mission Part 4. He's only about one-tenth as strong as the Snowager anyways, so who's worrying?

by neo_coaster363
DoTS: Part 1 of The Phantom of Neopian Times 2/4

They sent someone!

Also by sailreign

by soragin

Seems Legit: Elon's Fangirls

For Elon to pass on his legend, he first needed to survive the fangirls.

by shamaela
Paws: The Altador Cup

I meant with your hands.

by santa_paws_come_home
Why P3s Hate the Petpet Lab

You think your petpet has it bad?

by umbreon133
How Nifty!

That's just how they show their love.

by kirimiso
P.S. I Hate You - Patience


by swissical

The committee's made some changes to the Cup...

by ghostkomorichu
Lame Pun: Know Your Yooyus

Caution: May Contain Fun

by blackaavar
Not Cute! #1

But Faellies are adorable!

by feferiiii
No Fooling!

A tribute for Petpet Appreciation Day

by aruanahansel

Appreciate them, but not too much....

by pau_meow
Altador Control Lost

What are you doing?! Get the ball!! Arhhgg...

by seel24
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"Ona Without an Owner" by mrs_cherish
There was once an Ona who was so defiantly against the idea of being purchased that he spent all of his days hiding under a loose floorboard, making sure that no customer ever saw him. Like all petpets in the shop, he was unpainted, and was simply the...

Other Stories


Ben and the Great Turmaculus
Each year they would hold a giant feast for Turmaculus...

by rose_consumption


The Rusty Chain - A Home for Abandoned Spooky Pups
The thing was shivering with the cold and wet. Its fur was all matted and its four ears drooped all the way to the ground...

by rainingzomutts


Top 10 Snacks for your Altador Cup Rally
Ten delicious snacks to serve you and your friends this season as you shoot for that All-Star trophy.

by seoulful


Why Yooyuball is Allowed by the PPL
A certified safe sport.

by emilyralphy


Transmogrification: Part Three
"What do you mean, it isn't working? Not five minutes ago I saw you transform the Buzz into a pirate!" Her eyebrows were raised...

by emma_manatee


The Scarab and the Sea: Part Nine
Kipras blurted, "Behind the throne! Door! Caves – they lead to the sea! He's got his treasure down there, and a boat to escape in..."

by saphira_27

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