White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,796,040 Issue: 1004 | 22nd day of Running, Y26
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The Timeless Tale

"Somewhere in the woods surrounding Altador, Y11..."

by chlo26
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"Forgotten and Remembered" by tatyanne
Illyana sat on the forest floor, running her fingers through the cool earth. It was not quite winter anymore, yet it was not quite spring yet either. It was an overcast day, and a chilly breeze swept through the forest ever so often. Normally Illyana would feel the cold, but today she did not care. It was Illusen Day. It was also Illyana’s birthday. The problem with being born on such a celebrated day, was that none of the celebrations ever were for her. Illyana sighed in frustration as she cupped the earth, forming a mound. She could let a pretty flower grow here, but the young Earth faerie could not muster the will. She left the mound bare. Illyana rose, flattening the mound decidedly with her right foot. Earth faeries were creatures of creation, but Illyana’s little act of destruction filled her with defiant energy. It was not just that her birthday fell on Illusen Day that irked Illyana. Never mind that all the presents that she ever received were Illusen-themed, or that her name had been inspired by Illusen. Most people didn’t even remember her name anyway. To most people, Illyana was the shy little sister of the rather popular, outgoing and extroverted Seiona, and was...

Other Stories


The Spring Storm
It was spring in Terror Mountain, but that did not mean no more snowfalls. In fact, some of the worst snow storms were known to hit the peaks in the early spring.

by greencheese79


Managing a Move to Meridell
The cool breeze stirred her auburn hair, as she gazed out across the expanse of fields and forest before her. Illusen was waiting.

by dennykins


What's your Secret Faerie Type?
In honour of Illusen Day, what better way is there to celebrate than to find out what type of Faerie you would be!

by magyk4


Illusen Day Matcha Cheesecake Brownies Recipe
Happy Illusen Day Neopian Times readers! Are you throwing an Illusen Day party? Why not make one of the many Illusen treats for yourself that your Neopets can eat all the time?

by sportyangel3338


The Floating Islanders - Uni's Clothing
Sorry, no plot info, this one was our fault.

by yankeesrule244444456


An Illusen Day Conundrum (Puzzle)
Jhudora is having a rough time this Illusen Day... Collab with spitfyre_momma

by trilliem

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