A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 175,958,071 Issue: 351 | 18th day of Swimming, Y10
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Continued Series

The Golden Globes of Light: Part Seven

I slumped back in my bed. None of this made any sense. "Well, now that we have saved all of Neopia, what are we going to do?"

by torkie10
The Rebel's Heart: Part Nine

"Amaretta will train with Darena. The King will be free to concentrate on the war..."

by ewagon
Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Ten

The crowd was still on its feet, but screaming and cheering so all of Neopia could hear them...

by samschelfhout2
Witches Further Abroad: Part Five

He begins pressing buttons. From here he can control the entire moon base. The fools let him walk straight in...

by herdygerdy
Pride, Prose, and Princes: Part Seven

I groaned and shook my head. The last thing I wanted was more attention from royalty...

by dancingpetal
Roomies 3: Part Six

"Come on now, the trial's about to start. Get up and no magic tricks."

by vanessa1357924680
Vinsetta: Part Five

The flower itself stood as tall as Viena, and the two Neopets stared at it in awe...

by reggieman721
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Lost Lizark - Part Four

"You are involved in something much bigger than you know," said Victoire, her voice almost a whisper. "Whoever framed you and took the Lizark from its cage is very dangerous..."

by playmobil_is_my_life
Being Grey: Part Three

Those words, those three words – so innocent, so harmless, and yet they were dangerous and painful beyond anything imaginable...

Also by psychopsam

by mithril_mithrandir

Following the Wind: Part Two

"You can't be just friends with an Earth Faerie," she spat. "Sneaky conniving creatures they are..."

Also by noob

by scarletspindle

The King of Werelupes: Part Two

Macejaw laughed and cast Shadowheart a scornful glance. "You are ignorant indeed. A Werelupe, not even knowing his King?"

by rachelindea
Taking Sides: Part Two

He sped across to his sister's goal, clutching the Yooyu in a single, firm wing. Flying one-winged proved to be a challenge...

by sheep_416
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How to Roleplay

Do not just take a character straight from a TV show, video game, or book, without changing them. If you do take them from somewhere else, change them significantly. Make them yours. If you want to design from almost-scratch, take a character who has been given shape, but little to no personality. Many of my characters started that way: Abigail Avinroo, Sir Pollonaire Freidl, Vitri Sitol, and others. If you are designing totally from scratch, don't just...

Other Stories


A Changing World
"I'm going out to get something for our dinner! You've been inside all day and it's so nice out, why don't you tag along?"

by haahaa113


Who was Rohane? Why did he need help?

by partigirl2


An Interview with the Roo Island Yooyuballers
Speaking of Darigan Citadel, how would you describe your match the other day?

by mm_powpow1


How to Roleplay in Five (Possibly) Easy Steps
If you want to design from almost-scratch, take a character who has been given shape, but little to no personality.

by alex0905


That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles: Onion Rings
An onion a day keeps the Xweetok away!

by pikemaster1


Oh, Yooyu!
I'll never get the hang of those Darigan Yooyus...

by mandellababe

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