Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 175,958,071 Issue: 351 | 18th day of Swimming, Y10
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The Petitorials: Neohome Nags

You don't know what to do about your Tonu's bedroom? Your Wocky complains about the furniture you have chosen for her? Don't worry...

by amiyumifan96
How to Roleplay in Five (Possibly) Easy Steps

If you want to design from almost-scratch, take a character who has been given shape, but little to no personality.

by alex0905
Freaky Factory: Promoting Purple Grundo Hatred?

Ahh, the purple Grundo. We all know him; we all hate him. But why DOES he steal those plushies?

by _forest_sol_
How to Start Your Own Neopian Band

You may think that if you start a band, you'll get fame and fortune pouring in immediately. It's a little more complicated than that, my friend.

by sheyda_sheyda
Fenny Vail, An Often Unnoticed Yooyuball Master

Fenny Vail, left defender for Roo Island, simply put, is often overshadowed by her teammates...

by blacklightnin
How to Live Through Neopia's Summer

What DOES Neopia have to offer?

by tokio_hotel900
An Interview with the Roo Island Yooyuballers

Speaking of Darigan Citadel, how would you describe your match the other day?

by mm_powpow1
A Simple Guide to Surviving the Summer

Take an excursion to Maraqua! This is an underwater paradise where the sun barely gets to you!

Also by iluvchocolate_91

by jrtluver1994

Altador Cup III Roster Changes

Here's the lowdown of this year's roster changes!

by sea_monster2
Mirsha and Derlyn: The Yooyuball Gnorbu Twins

Many Neopians couldn't help noticing that Kreludor's team captain, Derlyn Fonnet, and Shenkuu's captain, Mirsha Grelinek, looked almost alike...

by black_skull725
Altador Cup: How to Stay on the Track to All-Star

I am still on track to attaining the much desired Rank 20 in time despite falling behind schedule on several occasions. Here, I share the things that have kept me going...

by cyniska
Derbi Azar and Yooyuball Referee: No Relation

"I realize the resemblance is uncanny," Azar said, in a written response issued through a representative. "However, we are not related..."

by dirtyredemption
Search the Neopian Times


"The Return" by kimssuperanimals
Axle broke in hurriedly. "He only means that ten years is a very long time. We assumed, understandably, that you were dead. We did search for you, thinking that you may have been imprisoned somewhere, but all traces of you had vanished. When your clasp appeared in the recess, we feared that your killers had come to take the rest of us..."

Other Stories


Still Faerie Lucky
"That's another goal from Roo Island," boomed the announcer. "Next up, the Ice Yooyu..."

by chocolate_fudge7


A Changing World
"I'm going out to get something for our dinner! You've been inside all day and it's so nice out, why don't you tag along?"

by haahaa113


Witches Further Abroad: Part Five
He begins pressing buttons. From here he can control the entire moon base. The fools let him walk straight in...

by herdygerdy


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Lost Lizark - Part Four
"You are involved in something much bigger than you know," said Victoire, her voice almost a whisper. "Whoever framed you and took the Lizark from its cage is very dangerous..."

by playmobil_is_my_life


Make some noise!

by ghostkomorichu


Altador Cup III!
Ever wondered about that crazy Techo supporter?

by ratcake

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