| Your questions answered! Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.
Quote of the Week
Rumor has it that the Techo Super-Fan is Fenny's grandmother's second-cousin's neighbor's best friend. Let me clear that up for you! Fenny's grandmother, Adam, has a second-cousin also named Adam, who has a neighbor also named Adam, who is the best friend of the Techo Super-Fan. Whew, that was easy.
How to Roleplay
Do not just take a character straight from a TV show, video game, or book, without changing them. If you do take them from somewhere else, change them significantly. Make them yours. If you want to design from almost-scratch, take a character who has been given shape, but little to no personality. Many of my characters started that way: Abigail Avinroo, Sir Pollonaire Freidl, Vitri Sitol, and others. If you are designing totally from scratch, don't just... |
Your Own Neopian Band
You need to choose what type of music you're going to play. Do you like to rock out to heavy metal, or would you prefer the soft, soothing sounds of a symphony? If you aren't sure what type of genre you plan on playing, you can just call yourselves "experimental." Listen to various genres of music and see which one you enjoy the most. It is quite necessary to decide what genre you plan on playing, because it'll draw in the audience who likes it the best... |
 | Azar and the Referee: Related?
"I realize the resemblance is uncanny," Azar said, in a written response issued through a representative. "However, we are not related to the best of my knowledge, and in fact do not even know each other. If I learned that he was making calls on my behalf simply because we are both Scorchios, I would be crushed. I speak for all my Lost Desert teammates when I say we have earned every victory through effort and teamwork. We do not need any kind of external help..." |
Other Stories |
"The Return" by kimssuperanimals Axle broke in hurriedly. "He only means that ten years is a very long time. We assumed, understandably, that you were dead. We did search for you, thinking that you may have been imprisoned somewhere, but all traces of you had vanished. When your clasp appeared in the recess, we feared that your killers had come to take the rest of us..." |
"Slushie Madness" by cookybananas324 It was much nicer when she could deal with customers one at a time, and even chat briefly while she prepared their drink. People waited patiently in line, smiled and thanked her when she handed them their slushie. Many of them were repeat customers, and Kana could greet them by name. Here, at the world-famous Altador Cup, it was entirely... |
"A Changing World" by haahaa113 Tala's jaw dropped and her legs turned to jelly. She sat down on the grass slowly, speechless, trying to come to terms with what the girl had just said. Was she serious? She couldn't be. But she was. She looked up at Sango. Sango looked confused. She raked a hand through her hair and stared into space for a moment, just contemplating what the girl had just said to her... |
 | Happy Anniversary! This week's issue is brought to you by: The NC Mall |
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