Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 266 | 17th day of Storing, Y8
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Continued Series

What Lies Hidden in Your Closet: Part Seven

"Of course, I didn't think twice before taking a sip of the potion. As you can expect, something happened when I drank this potion..."

by puppy200010
Rising Shadow: Part Six

"Please," she finally said, "I know you have every right to despise me for what I'm about to tell you..."

by sarahleeadvent
At the AstroVilla: Part Seven

Cypher took a deep breath. "I think I'm supposed to solve it. She gave me a deliberate clue... she's trying to tell me something, but she can't! Honestly, haven't you noticed..."

by kemppotatoe
Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Six

Searchlights were scanning the dark waters. She turned to look bleakly at her companion. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire," she whispered...

Also by jeanaet

by rainbow_lover852

A Break in Memory: Part Five

"Special delivery from Kregor Geiger!" he said cheerfully, handing her the bag. "He said to mix it in a glass of water and make the patient drink the whole thing..."

by appaloosa500
Ties to the Wanderer: Part Four

"I would account the memory increase to the passage of time, judging by my rather great hunger," was the Wocky's reply. "Although I fear that my remembering is nearly as much a bad thing as it is a good thing..."

Also by draikmistress123

by neokitten4

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Instincts - Part Four

Danner suddenly had a horrible mental image of what would happen if there was a Were-variation for every one of the species on Neopia. While the idea of Wereblumaroos was kind of funny, Weregrarrls would be utterly terrifying...

by nimras23
Silver Flames: Part Three

I knew he wasn't much of a talker and avoided speaking when he could get away with silence, and right now it was obvious what he was asking. He wanted to know why I wasn't swimming...

by scar19
Everyone Has a Name: Part Three

 "Oh." Suddenly Sruthair remembered the newbie pack. "Dump it out. Let's see what she gave us..."

by dark_goddess_rising
Aubrise and the Gebmid Mystery: Part Four

Aubrise was woken by the sound of someone pounding on the door. Yawning and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she pushed off her covers and slowly stood up. "I'm coming!" she called as, still yawning, she made her way to the door...

Art by rookina

by rookina

The Petpet Brigade: Part Three

"Beware! Beware the Petpet nip! Beware!!!"

by superfox65
Prophecy of the Second Equinox: Part Three

Azraen shuddered involuntarily as they passed beneath the cold square opening and into the darkness inside. The night here did not have the same majesty or glory; here, it gave her a tingling feeling of apprehension...

Image by cuithil

by laurelinden

Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Two

"I think they're Faeries," Saura said, squinting into the darkness. "No idea if evil or good ones, though. Maybe they can help us..."

by ssjelitegirl
The Battle for Kreludor: Part Two

Zara was crouched in front of the door to the conference room. She could hear the Grundo speaking to another member of the resistance inside...

by azellica
One Last Song: Part Two

"Too steep... the snow's too deep... too loose..." Kaiya could be heard muttering to herself with each possible way they found down, but none seemed to be safe enough for anyone to pass...

by mutedsanity
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Guild Leadership

A guild would be nothing without its strong-willed leader - the member that provides motivation, shows great communication skills and leads the guild to respect. If you are perhaps thinking about creating and leading your own guild, it is important you think over the following questions and answer them honestly and truthfully: Would you be able to handle the demands of being leader? Are you willing to sacrifice your own time on Neopets...

Other Stories


There is salt in the water, and some innate intuition tells you that this water is unfit to drink. As soon as you think that, your thirst comes back with new vengeance. Just your luck. Where are you? How did you get here? How do you get out of here? Will anyone think to look for you?

by phsycoticdancer


How Do Mika and Carassa Have All That Stuff?
"Don't worry," the Pant Devil growled as he glanced at his watch. "No time to steal anything... I have a meeting..."

by floriah


Interview - Sarah the Zafara
Sarah: I know absolutely EVERYTHING about Neopia! Are you here to ask me a question?

by sallyride206


A Good Lookup
A comprehensive view on what makes or breaks a lookup.

by maivry


In the Shadows of Neopia #5
Whoops! Sorry about that...

by morrigan_a_aensland


The Gallion Ranch
The ranchers must have been stuck at the second step...

Script by hakuryu_86

by pacmanite

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