Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 135,120,767 Issue: 266 | 17th day of Storing, Y8
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Defender Chronicles: The Beginning - Part One

She still couldn't quite believe she was Faerie. As if to make sure, the Xweetok glanced at her reflection in a nearby puddle. Yep, there she was - antennae, wings and all. She shivered again and trudged on...

by toffee_choc
Adventures in Brightvale: Book I - Part One

Meadowbuck walked quickly down the gravel path to the Brightvale University. It was his first day of school there, and he was already late. He had two bags over his shoulder: one held his notebooks, pencils, and other school supplies, and the other his Liobits...

by newenglandquizzer
Roomies 2: Part One

The sun was shining, the air was warm, a crisp breeze was blowing through her hair; she couldn't ask for anything more. Summer was here and that meant only one thing to the air faerie: summer vacation...

by vanessa1357924680
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"Golden Slumbers" by goldenlullaby
I was about to ask some questions of my own; but before I could even open my mouth to speak, she was going on about going to get her boss. I sighed. I just had to sit tight and wait, I assumed. Just as I began to doze off again, the door burst open. I jolted upright. I gasped as I saw a beautiful, brunette faerie follow the Usul nurse into my room. The Soup Faerie, I told myself, I remember her!

Other Stories


There is salt in the water, and some innate intuition tells you that this water is unfit to drink. As soon as you think that, your thirst comes back with new vengeance. Just your luck. Where are you? How did you get here? How do you get out of here? Will anyone think to look for you?

by phsycoticdancer


The Origins Of: Balthazar
I, Balthazar Rory Snarlington Woof, have come out of hiding to reveal the truth once and for all, so that everyone may at last realise how my name and existence have become so maliciously tarnished...

by tambourine_chimp


Heroes: An 8 Step Guide to Becoming the Best
Do you strive to become Neopia's next hero or heroine? Well, look no further, young Neopet. In just a few steps, you can be traveling down the path of great courage, honor, and all that is good, to become our next hero.

by adopt_neos_123


How to Be a Cracking Guild Leader
A guild would be nothing without its strong-willed leader - the member that provides motivation, shows great communication skills and leads the guild to respect.

by tweecle


Stuck in the Neopet House
My momma always told me, death is like ... a box of chocolate doughnuts?

by spotthechelsey


Living in Neopia!
NO! You cannot take more than one jelly per day!

by sensuke

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