For an easier life Circulation: 197,747,911 Issue: 1001 | 9th day of Awakening, Y26
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Continued Series

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir

"The spell Edith had used during her presentation to make a shrub grow twenty times its size was a finicky one. Harmonies did not suit every plant the same, but..."

by josephinefarine
The Price of Ambition

"Next on the list was Maraqua. Although Annie wasn’t looking forward to getting wet, she was looking forward to..."

by golden1188
Knight & Squire: Preface

"Lisha remarked as she began unrolling the bandages on Rowan’s lower torso. The Yellow-gold Aisha mumbled something under her breath. Rowan jumped back as he saw Lisha’s hands glow purple, 'What the...'"

by terpsichorean_writer
Digging up the Past

"Darla hesitated, her gaze falling to the floor as she closed her novel and put it beside her..." Collab with ryan100495

by _snails_pace_
The Thousand Year Time-Out

"The shadow came closer. It was very round. Squinting in the daylight, she recognised it as a giant Gulper. Goregas. From behind it popped her sister..."

by liouchan
1000 Hours Outside: A Tale of Two Friends

"Thoroughly committed to the program, the friends were starting to draw blanks about what to do outside. It seemed they had..." Collab with honorrolle

by superkathiee
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Be Your Own Valentine: A Self-Care Guide

As the Month of Awakening takes Neopia by storm, filling the streets with the cloying scent of ribbon-tied Dr. Sloth Flower Bouquets and stringing frilly garlands over every available surface, the average Neopian heart finds itself in one of two camps. The “ideal” Valentine’s Day situation, according to Neopolitan Magazine and every patisserie in Neopia Central up charging for heart-shaped Faerie Eclairs, is one of alleged bliss: having a special someone to spend Valentine’s Day with. What is love if not something joyously shared with others? For Neopians in the second camp, however, the answer to that question is more complicated. Not everyone is fortunate to have a special someone on hand. Perhaps your dearest is not your nearest, and the closest you’ll be getting to them is a Weewoo-delivered letter that will hopefully arrive before the start of spring. Perhaps you’ve been unlucky in love this year despite your best efforts, and the googly-eyed Valentines Faellie Plushies in every storefront do nothing but rub salt in the wound. Perhaps you have little interest in love altogether, and aren’t quite sure what all the fuss is about. No matter what your situation is, dear reader, know this: you are worthy of love. So for those without a Valentine to cosy up to — or even for those who have one but want to focus on a different kind of love this year — we offer a third option. Valentine’s Day can be more than an excuse to buy that expensive Yooyus and Lace Perfume and eat an unholy amount of Chocolate Dipped Marshmallow Grundos. It can be an opportunity to celebrate yourself and everything that you’ve conquered over the past year. Whether you’re drawn to raucous merrymaking or restful reflection, we present to you… ten self-care strategies for being your own Valentine!

Other Stories


The L-Word
"Kanrik rounded the corner to see Hanso frantically doing the trick of stomping on the trash in a garbage can so you can fit more stuff in it. This was unusual because it was..."

by quanticdreams


Valentine’s Day at Kelp
"The Maitre D' arrived at Kelp early to set up for the special Valentine’s Day dinner. When the restaurant first opened, it was booked and impossible to get in but nowadays..."

by spukl1


Stylish Wearables for UN-Valentine's Day!
Starring Maldice the Stealthy Draik, Malmagma the Magma Draik, Malumbra the Halloween Draik, and Christine, their owner!

by _brainchild_


Sweet Treats: Pink Gourmet Edition!
"Can you feel it in the air? That sweet vibe of blissful happiness, deep care and waves of wanderlust? Wait, don’t tell me you forgot that Valentine’s Day is coming up. Did you?"

by remidica


Petpet Valentines
Happy Valentines Day!

by twinkle_jazz


Glory Days: A Lovely Gift
Take notes everyone!

by darkpassage

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