A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 194,137,002 Issue: 741 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y18
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Where the Vandagyres Really Were

The struggles of being nocturnal.

Also by xale22

by sophieauditore

NeoPaper: Surprise Gift

Featuring a random, unnamed Chia.

by mbredboy31
Food Shop with Eric: Discounts

Eric doesn't always consider the consequences.

by roxanna203
A Magnificent Idea

We did not get paid by Neocola to do this.

by memoure
Sunny Side Up: Stealthy

Imagine if paint colors also came with their own set of special abilities.

by amarettoball
Still Grumpy

What do you do if fierce Peophins has eaten too much tin of olives?

by umhiimalexis
Holiday Cheer

The problem with Christmas neopets!

by gumgum101230
More Than Meets The Eye - Dream or Nightmare?

That event sure is random!

Also by im_fariha

by cutecatty1

Ink: Grey Lines

I didn’t always want to be a villain...

by june_scarlet
Birthday Cake

he intention is what counts, right?

by supertualet
Spread The Word!

...Wait...Spread the word about what exactly...?

by innosently
An Awkward Welcome to a New Sibling

Mazurite's way of welcoming his new brother

by mitzplick
Odds are Against You

You're never done until you're destitute

by skypupgoddess
Instrument Shopping

Only the finest quality.

by pinkcrown123
Ray Day

What if I turn into a frog?

by chakpool
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"Invisible" by madidogs88
I am invisible. And I don’t mean that in the sense that I’m one of those shy, insignificant, or soft spoken pets. I mean exactly what I say: I am literally Invisible. I have that Fyora-forsaken Lab Ray to thank. My name is Koda, and I used to be a perfectly content Christmas Kougra. I had a pretty good family; my owner wasn’t the most attentive, but she made sure we were fed and entertained. And my siblings were alright; other than the occasional squabble we got along just fine. It was a good life- simple, predictable, satisfying. Nothing like my life here. Where is here? The Pound, of course. Where else would an unwanted, unloved, and unseen pet reside? It’s hard to connect with someone you can’t see. I’ve come to terms with it, though. I mean, if I were an owner in search of a new companion, I wouldn’t want me either. I stopped there and held the page up to reread what I had written. I heard a squeal from the front of the cage. “Would you cut that out already! The flying pencil is bad enough, but now a floating piece of paper? You’re scaring all the good owners away! If I wasn’t stuck in this nut cage, I would be spending my days in the lap of luxury! The Royal Neopian, Faerie Castle, maybe even the Presidential Palace would be my home!”

Other Stories


The Malevolent Candy Vampire
Tulse, by very nature—as he was a most fluffy Marshmallow Grundo—always loved all things sweet. In fact he dedicated his life to sweets and eventually opened up his own bakery where he handcrafted every delectable sweet he could dream up!

by jhudora96


Farewell to Lynwood
From the moment Suhel Caradoc laid eyes on the Lynwood School for Girls, she knew she did not belong there. he little Christmas-coloured Lupe poked out her snout from the window of her carriage, eyeing the grounds with distaste.

by cosmicfire918


The Top 10 Best Places to Vacation in Neopia
For those of you neopians who are burnt out or tired from tending to your shops, taking part in dailies, and participating in the Altador Cup, why not consider taking your neopet on vacation? Now, I know what you're thinking: there are so many places in Neopia to visit, I can't choose!

by goldie11147


It's Been Years
It's been six long years for Carly and Kay. We both left Neopets for different reasons, and somehow stayed away for more than half a decade. But like everyone who's spun the Wheel of Monotony knows, sometimes long waits result in vast rewards.

Also by eyecarly

by earthlingdreamz


Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Three
Orlitz awoke late in the morning after a troubled night of sleep. Yesterday, she had told her friends everything she had discovered at the abandoned cabin, and had even showed them the exquisite crown she had taken from the premises. They all marvelled at the gorgeous head piece, but had little to offer in terms of help.

by josephinefarine


Tribulations of a Quest Sceptic: Part Five
She was about to suggest they all sat and relaxed, when a cold spurt of water hit her in the face. “PFFFFFFFT.” Saba spluttered wildly, gazing around frantically. Was it the Techo ghosts? Had they come for her?

by anjie

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