Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 194,137,002 Issue: 741 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y18
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Continued Series

Clouds Over Cogham: Part Nine

The assassin's glare is pure acid as he looks up once more towards the knight with which he duels. Desperate now, he stands straight and opens his arms, then his entire being begins to glow with intense nova magic. Tor takes a few worried steps back at the sight. Roberta watches in awe from a distance. "This ends now!"

by theschizophrenicpunk
Tribulations of a Quest Sceptic: Part Five

She was about to suggest they all sat and relaxed, when a cold spurt of water hit her in the face. “PFFFFFFFT.” Saba spluttered wildly, gazing around frantically. Was it the Techo ghosts? Had they come for her?

by anjie
Desert Requiem: Part Six

The Temple of a Thousand Tombs was an extensive underground network of crypts that forked beneath large tracts of the desert, including Qasala. There were several entrances into it from the surface, including one that was located within the Palace of Qasala itself.

by kalnya
Orlitz and the Search for the Emerald Crown: Part Three

Orlitz awoke late in the morning after a troubled night of sleep. Yesterday, she had told her friends everything she had discovered at the abandoned cabin, and had even showed them the exquisite crown she had taken from the premises. They all marvelled at the gorgeous head piece, but had little to offer in terms of help.

by josephinefarine
The Burning Book of Moltara: Part Two

"It's right over there, on that island ahead." They had flown around a maze of islands until they seemed to be in the middle of them all. As the three of them reached the beach, the Peophin stopped short and tilted its head towards the shore. "I can't go with you, but it's right over there. You'll know when you find it."

Also by brooklyn3223 and eeames

by mapthesoul

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"Farewell to Lynwood" by cosmicfire918
From the moment Suhel Caradoc laid eyes on the Lynwood School for Girls, she knew she did not belong there. The little Christmas-coloured Lupe poked out her snout from the window of her carriage, eyeing the grounds with distaste. The lawns were immaculate, the stately trees devoid of low-hanging branches for climbing, and the school building itself was the most boring grey monolith Suhel had ever seen. Even her parents’ house was more interesting because they liked to buy expensive things to show off, but Lynwood seemed to scream dullness—or rather, to whisper it politely. Suhel’s dark green ears drooped. Barring holidays, this was to be her home for the next seven years of her education, and she felt a pit of dread well up in her stomach. “You’re slouching,” her governess said. Suhel stiffened and clenched her paws in her lap, shooting an exasperated glare at the aging, thin-lipped red Blumaroo who sat across from her. She and Miss Matilla had never gotten along, but Father paid Miss Matilla too much for the governess to quit. “I can’t help it,” the Lupe muttered. “These boots pinch my toes and make my paws hurt. And you’ve braided my hair much too tightly.” Sitting up straight was just too much to ask on top of all of the other discomfort Suhel was experiencing. Her long, curly black hair hung in two glossy plaits over her shoulders, although a few bits of frizz had managed to defiantly sneak their way free.

Other Stories


Farewell to Lynwood
From the moment Suhel Caradoc laid eyes on the Lynwood School for Girls, she knew she did not belong there. he little Christmas-coloured Lupe poked out her snout from the window of her carriage, eyeing the grounds with distaste.

by cosmicfire918


I am invisible. And I don’t mean that in the sense that I’m one of those shy, insignificant, or soft spoken pets. I mean exactly what I say: I am literally Invisible. I have that Fyora-forsaken Lab Ray to thank.

by madidogs88


The Top 10 Best Places to Vacation in Neopia
For those of you neopians who are burnt out or tired from tending to your shops, taking part in dailies, and participating in the Altador Cup, why not consider taking your neopet on vacation? Now, I know what you're thinking: there are so many places in Neopia to visit, I can't choose!

by goldie11147


Gross Foods That Aren't Gross At All!
I don't think many of the Gross Foods look gross at all! Some items seem so normal and commonplace that I'm left scratching my head, wondering what exactly is so gross about them. I would gladly plunk down a few dollars to buy them in real life, and take a few thoughtful bites just to see what they taste like. I'm probably not the only curious player, either!

by indulgences


Sunny Side Up: Stealthy
Imagine if paint colors also came with their own set of special abilities.

by amarettoball


An Awkward Welcome to a New Sibling
Mazurite's way of welcoming his new brother

by mitzplick

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