White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 138,002,725 Issue: 286 | 6th day of Eating, Y9
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Guide to a Super Secret Sweet-Fest

Okay, so you really like sweets, right? And you want to get a lot of them.

by pupluvr7177
Budgets: Solution or Simply Impossible?

Manage your money (and your mentality) by reading the tips to the trade... of budgeting!

by super_star_08034
Discovering the Denizens of the Deep

Finding them, eating them, and running away from them.

by pyrosquirrelx
PPL's Reply to the Petpet Lab

"The lab so far has proved to be dangerous, insecure and shoddily built..."

Also by tigerfanatic33

by zidane12276

The Ins, Outs, and Abouts to the Neopian Times

Truth be told, it's more than that. Much more! We writers, readers, and comic-drawers need an inspiration before we can begin to write...

by alexrae963
Attack of the Petpetpets

Games such as 'Itchy Invasion' and 'Cooty Wars' clearly base themselves on discrimination of petpetpets...

by shadowmaster3334
Krawks - Elusive Holders of the Wooden Spoon

Their rarity makes them a popular goal for users; just owning one will give you quite a bit of prestige...

by starry__night__sky
Painting To Suit Character

But why do I personally paint my pets? They certainly look fine enough in their red, yellow, green or blue finery, nothing wrong with that at all. However, the paintbrush colour I choose for them, that I think long and hard about, matches their CHARACTER.

by glamness
How To Increase Your Neopet's Confidence

So many pets today are scared of trying new things, because they just don't believe in themselves. You may know your beloved pet to be beautiful, strong, funny and talented, but he/she just can't see it in him/herself...

by aprilon8
Are You Ready To Adopt?

You push open the heavy iron door with clammy hands. Above you, a sign reads, 'NEOPIAN POUND'. Take a breath in. Be prepared for the biggest decision of your life...

by razzlewriter
The Truth of the Faerie Wars

Rumors have been spreading quickly on the nimble wings of Neopian Faeries that a new war was quickly approaching. All of Neopia began preparing, choosing sides and strategies for what was quickly dubbed the Faerie Wars...

by tj_wagner
Search the Neopian Times


Ready to Adopt?

Hopefully, though, you have not come to disown, but to be that shining ray of sun and take home a petrified little pet. But wait--! Are you truly ready for this? As kind of an act as it is, once you adopt a Neopet, there's no going back. Before you make your final choice, make sure you can say yes to each one of the following questions...

Other Stories


A Tiny Adventure
Having nothing to lose, I started drinking a vial full of this mixture. After drinking about half of it, I felt somehow queasy...

by pokemon_lunatic


Boring Old Yellow
A basic colour – how she hated it! She had been the same colour at birth and never changed. Boring old yellow.

by rubizad


Losers: Part One
Every day, Ella wished for an owner. Whenever the jingly little bell rang, her heart soared...

by soccerhart12


The Shadows: Part Three
I walked through the doorway cautiously, looking around for anybody else in the hut. Only one pet sat in the middle of the room, eyes closed and legs crossed. That person was the Kyrii Mystic...

by jelleyfrosting


The Unusuals: Petpet Moments
Hmph, side effects.

by x_xkodiskux_x


Milk Money
Glowing pets and... stars?

by plumbus

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