teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,747,911 Issue: 1001 | 9th day of Awakening, Y26
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Love of Chocolate

by serebii251

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The Candy Caper
"Bad news reached the guild around midday on the 2nd day of Sleeping. It'd all started when I'd gone into the Guild Prize Closet to check if everything was in order for the..."

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The King of Meridell - Valentines Day Special
Don't forget all the lessons...

by sir_serene


The Valentine’s Day Deadline
"The newly-minted investigative journalist for The Neopian Times quickly walked down the sidewalk toward her Neohome in Neopia Central. The frazzled Desert Aisha quickly scrawled her notes across her notepad..."

by _myst_queen


Royal Pain: Valentine's Day
Rejection is so heartbreaking :(

by winner19955

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