Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,747,911 Issue: 1001 | 9th day of Awakening, Y26
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Dinner with the Scarlets: Valentiney

by june_scarlet

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Fancy Meeting You Here
Happy Valentine's Day!

by logical_loophole


1000 Hours Outside: A Tale of Two Friends
"Thoroughly committed to the program, the friends were starting to draw blanks about what to do outside. It seemed they had..." Collab with honorrolle

by superkathiee


Some fancy chocolates there.

by twillieblossom


Grey to Fuchsia
"The old alarm sounded exactly at seven o’clock, same as yesterday, same as the day before. Edgar Rutherford turned gingerly in his bed and rubbed his eyes, crusted with fatigue from another night of unsteady slumber..."

by yuumeria

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