Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,679,377 Issue: 997 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y25
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by chocokelle

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So, You've Decided to Come Back to Neopets...
So, you’ve decided to come back to Neopets… Maybe you saw your friends posting about it again on social media, or you read an article informing millennials that Neopets was BACK.

by capgal


Adventures of Hannah and Kanrik
Kanrik does not always have as much fun as Hannah does…

by katiekazoo


Dumpster diving
No more rubbis dump snacks

by valokki


The Price of Ambition
That night, when Poppy came home from work, Annie shot up in her bed the second she heard the door shut. She had been reading and thinking for most of the day, with a little more of testing her new strength just within her room.

by golden1188

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