For an easier life Circulation: 197,679,377 Issue: 997 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y25
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Short Stories

Jhudora’s Pride

"Jhudorah groaned as she leaned back on her purple throne. She wished briefly that she could turn into stone and sleep for a few hundred years like another dark faerie of legend..."

by eleanor11rulesr
At The Edge

At the edge of life and death, a young Kyrii and the patron of life discuss the importance of the former's life.

by fallingdaybreak
The Shadow Usul Files

"Toby the Gelert had always been a fan of the occult, and reading the Gallery of Evil had definitely become somewhat of a passion of..."

by winterrosedragon
Teamwork Makes the Treasure Work

"'Ouch!' Marty stopped swimming as he scraped his fin on yet another loose nail. 'Trying to get this done fast is only slowing me down AND is going to give me Fuzzy Fungus...'"

by racoon188
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"Teamwork Makes the Treasure Work" by racoon188
"Ouch!" Marty stopped swimming as he scraped his fin on yet another loose nail. "Trying to get this done fast is only slowing me down AND is going to give me Fuzzy Fungus." Absently, the Maraquan Yurble rubbed his sore fin, looking around the attic. When his grandfather suddenly moved to Mystery Island and left Marty with the job of cleaning out and selling his house, it seemed like a great deal. He was getting paid a little, and he got to keep the money from whatever he could sell. Working a regular job while he was in school had proved pretty impossible, so this kind of self-paced odd job was just perfect. Or so he thought. While the first floor was straightened up in no time (it helped that Gramps had taken a lot of that stuff with him), since starting on the attic two weeks ago, it felt like all his progress had ground to a halt. He flopped down with a sigh. Listlessly he reached for a nearby box. Looking inside, he let out a slightly hysterical bubble of laughter. “This is exactly why I'm not getting anywhere! I look in one box and there's ANOTHER box!” Marty rolled his eyes. He slowly pulled the box out of the other box, realizing as he did that it was more of a chest than a box. The metal bindings looked almost like Maractite, shimmering slightly in the diffused glow of the attic lamp. "Where did this come from? I can't imagine Gramps knew about this and didn't tell me." Marty fiddled with the clasp, trying to open the chest, but it wouldn't budge. Digging back into the original box, he unearthed a key which he almost expected not to fit. He envisioned having to go back through the whole attic to find it, but luckily in this case the obvious key fit the obvious lock. The lid creaked open, releasing a stream of bubbles. Marty let the breath he didn't know he was holding go in one big woosh when he saw what was under the bubbles. One piece of vellum. Sigh.

Other Stories


Everything You Need to Know: Advent Calendar
After a long (and I mean longggg) year full of new ownership, festivals, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, daily visits to the Island Mystic (and still no avatar – no, I’m not bitter, why do you ask?), it is finally time to end the Neopian year curled up with a good book in front of a Warm and Cosy Fireplace or on vacation at Roo Island.

by spunkbubblicious


So, You've Decided to Come Back to Neopets...
So, you’ve decided to come back to Neopets… Maybe you saw your friends posting about it again on social media, or you read an article informing millennials that Neopets was BACK.

by capgal


The Price of Ambition
That night, when Poppy came home from work, Annie shot up in her bed the second she heard the door shut. She had been reading and thinking for most of the day, with a little more of testing her new strength just within her room.

by golden1188


The Box from 10,000 Years Ago
Once she returns where she left Vyim, the blind Uni seems resting peacefully on the grass, his ears perking up as he hears her approach.

by chantili_doce


NeoQuest Adventures
Dragoyles and Draiks part 2 Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty


Same Same But Different
Two souls struggling to fit in find each other and form a new friendship.

by tatyanne

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