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Most Common Petpet Based on Where You Live In Neopia

by chaeldar


Most common Petpet Based on Where You Live In Neopia

     Yes, we know you love Kadoaties—it is, after all, the most popular Petpet in Neopia since Y3 and running (followed by Cyodrakes and Snowickles to round out the top three), according to Neopian Journalists. Did you know that's just the "popular vote"? When you break it down to each region in Neopia, and who actually owns what, it's surprisingly a whole different story.




     Altador, the land of the Neopians who graciously host our beloved Altador Cup. Each year the Neopians there treat me so kindly, despite what team I have chosen! Speaking of the Altador Cup, there should be little to no surprise here as to why most Neopet's choose to rock a Yooyu all year round. While they may be painted all different colours to support their chosen team, it is clear that Yooyu's are all the outrage from the moment you step hoof and paw into Altador.



     Royal Vullard

     If it is one thing Brightvale loves, that would most definitely be the colour green. And if there is one other thing Brightvale loves, that is their castle and all things royal. No questions asked here, the Royal Vullard makes perfect sense to me as to why that is the most common Petpet over at Brightvale.



     Faerie Snorkle

     One of the most upscale places of living if you are a Neopia full of riches is Faerieland. I am a Neopian who likes to utilise the Soup Kitchen so I will not be living there or affording their Petpets any time soon but those who can usually go with the Faerie Snorkle. It's not difficult to see why, just look how cute they are. Truth be told the Faerie Snorkle's popularity has skyrocketed ever since Neopians found out Queen Fyora herself has one in her castle. Ever since then, everybody in Faerieland has wanted to get their wings on one!

     Haunted Woods


     Black Furwitch

     The Black Furwitch might possibly just be my favourite combination on this list. As we all know, the Haunted Woods can be a very scary place to visit. On the other hand, however, it is also full of hidden gems. The Haunted Woods really has some great destinations. The Furwitch represents that so well! Although the Furwitch has sharp teeth and a witch's hat, it's also smiling and very cute. It truly is fitting for both sides of the Neopians who live in the Haunted Woods.

     Kiko Lake



     Although our neighbours at Kiko Lake typically like to keep to themselves most of the time, they were more than happy to share their Petpet data with us. There seems to be a unanimous agreement amongst those living on the island that when it comes to what your Petpet should be, there is no better choice you could make than a Goldy.

     Krawk Island


     Pirate Gallion

     The Pirate Gallion is the absolute definition of tough but cute stuff if you ask me. As Krawk Island is a pirate-themed region full of secret caves and pirate ships it's no wonder they have a tough (but very cute) to tag along on their excursions. The Gallion can walk, fly, and swim. Very appropriate Petpet for the Krawk Island way of life!



     Robot Angelpuss

     Kreludor, home of Dr. Sloth. Now what Petpet would Dr. Sloth endorse? Well..apparently the Robot Angelpuss. Rumour has it that Dr. Sloth himself made the rule that the Neopians of Kreludor can only own a Robot Petpet, which already makes your choices extremely limited. While you technically can ask permission to own any Robot Petpet you want, he mostly hands out Robot Angelpuss Petpets to everybody. He went on a rant about them naturally looking happy and angelic, so people from other lands can see how great his planet is if they see how innocent and happy looking their Robot Angelpuss Petpets are. A bit odd, I will admit.

     Lutari Island



     Now the Neopians of Lutari Island are all about matching their fashion and style and I for one absolutely love that! Since most of them are Lutaris, naturally they gravitate towards the Lutra. Lutari Island doesn't get many visitors, and there are still a lot of unknowns surrounding the place but one thing we do know is that they love their Lutra's.

     Lost Desert



     The Lost Desert has some of the most beautiful architectural buildings we have ever seen. Coltzan's Shrine and Sutek's Tomb are both stunning inside and out! Everything is built with such integrity and detail in mind. I recommend everybody pay a visit to the Lost Desert at least once. Even their Petpet's are clearly a work of art just by looking at their most common Petpet, the Sunutek.




     Everyone in Maraqua is SO hyped about the new live-action "The Little Spyrabor" that the popularity of having a Spyrabor as your Petpet has completely skyrocketed! The Spyrabor has officially beaten out the Staragus as the most popular Petpet in Maraqua ever since the live-action remake announcement.

     Darigan Citadel



     Those who live in the Darigan Citadel take full credit for the Drackonack and it's avatar that this Petpet can bring you. They are all about their achievements and keeping up their appearances as a very strong allegiance in their own right. They take pride in their accomplishments so having the Drackonack as their Petpet is always a good conversation starter when Neopians from the Darigan Citadel meet Neopians from other lands.




     Between The Turmaculus, Mortogs, Turdles, and Symols it is definitely difficult to guess as to which Petpet reigns supreme in the land of Meridell. As you see, it is the Turdle! To be fully transparent with you Neopians, Meridell kind of has a Turdle theft issue right now. Apparently, young Neopets go there after their lessons with the Grumpy Old King, take all the Turdles from Turdle Racing, and run away with them to keep them as Petpets. For those of you reading from the comfort of your own home in Meridell: If you see something, say something!




     To be able to reside in a place like Moltara, you've got to be able to withstand a lot of heat. This is why a lot of Fire and Magma Neopets are typically the ones who reside here. Of course, you can have a Petpet from all around Neopia but some Petpets thrive in certain environments better than others. This is why the Magmut is the most common Petpet that you will find around Moltara. It's absolutely adorable and is able to withstand very high heat temperatures. You get the best of both worlds with this one.

     Neopia Central



     Who doesn't love the classics? We know Neopia Central is a huge fan of them. Neopia Central is one of the more diverse areas around Neopia, and the data was very close. There were a lot of Babaa's, Mallard's, and Urchull's but as for the most common Petpet, the Greeble won by a narrow margin. We at the Neopian Times appreciate the classic Petpets just as much as Neopia Central does and we love to see it.

     Mystery Island


     Island Rock

     Mystery Island really hit the Negg on the head with this one! So many of us have gotten our own Neopet's levels there, and visit their island all of the time. We purchase so much of their goods and services with codestones, so why not have one as their Petpet? This has to be one of my top favourites personally and I could not think of a better Petpet for them.

     Roo Island


     Baby Blu

     Roo Island. Home of many the many, many, many, many Blumaroos. As much as I want to throw you readers a curveball for the sake of entertainment the data shows that the Baby Blu is the most common Petpet amongst Roo Island. I guess the saying that everyone's Petpet looks like their owner is turning out to be pretty true as we continue on!




     Although Shenkuu is the home and heart of the Cyodrake Petpet, unfortunately not many Neopians that live there can get their hooves on one. So while they appreciate them from afar, most of them are perfectly happy with their Biyako's they've purchased from their very own Petpet store the Fanciful Fauna. While the Petpet selection they offer is plentiful, native Neopians have really grown an adoration for these Biyako's and it truly is not difficult to understand why.

     Terror Mountain



     I always thought Candychan's were a just myth that was attached to Terror Mountian for a very long time. Even some of those living in Terror Mountain themselves were in disbelief if Candychans were real or not. The story has it that last year a bunch of their Neopians went to do their Advent Calendar (it's a Terror Mountain thing) and Candychans came running out by the hundreds! Nowadays more often than not it's more difficult to find a native of Terror Mountain with a Petpet that isn't a Candychan! Oh, how times have changed for the better.



     Tyrannian Buzzer

     Tyrannia may not be the most advanced civilization in Neopia, but Tyrannians sure do love their Petpets as much as they love exploring their own jungle. This is why a lot of Tyrannians need that perfect companion that is built for their explorations. Sure, they love the look of a Kadoatie, but could you see a Kadoatie in the deep in the unknown jungle and navigating tall rocks with them? Most of them prefer the Tyrannian Buzz for their adventures. They're small, can fly high and low on their own, and don't need much maintenance. They are just perfect for the average Neopian in Tyrannia.

     Virtupets Space Station



     Bython's are all the rage at the Virtupets Space Station right now. I actually cannot think of a single Neopian from the Virtupets Space Station that doesn't have one! They're all so proud to be represented at the Negg Festival, having a Petpet species that came from space. I heard when you go there they have Bython cafés where you can sip on coffee and pet Bythons.

      I'm sure some of these Petpets surprised you, and some of them did not. The Bython from Virtupets Space Station? Moltara's Magmut? And let's not forget about Terror Mountain's Candychan. All totally predictable if you ask me! Dr. Sloth forcing people to only have Robot Petpets? Sure. But his persistent push on the Angelpuss theory is nuts! Maraqua knocking out the Staragus for the Spyrabor came as a shock to me as well. Mystery Island's Rock Petpet was just comedic. While we all thought Kadoaties or Snowickles would be somewhere on this list, I guess just because they are the most popular doesn't mean they are the most common or affordable.

     And there you have it, folks. Those are the most common Petpets based on where you live in Neopia in Year 25 brought to you by Chaeldar!

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