Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,486,709 Issue: 985 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y25
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Short Stories


The origin story of my Lupe and his Ghost Goople, Slimy.

by missbeasty
Break Day adventure

"Krell was bored. All the teams had a day off for rest and recovery and there was so much to do, that Krell didn’t know where to begin..."

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Grave Danger - A Story

Ever wondered what happens inside Neopia’s most deviously famous catacombs? This ought to give you some insight...

by greencheese79
What to Do With a Pile of Petpets?

"'What are you going to do with all these Petpets you’ve been collecting? Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ’em in a stew?'..."

by iwonder
Rywald's Vanishing Snacks

"Rywald had a problem. Most problems a royal guard encountered could be solved with fancy footwork..."

by dairykateri
Two of a Kind

"Lonalee looked over her shoulder to see a big Grarrl coming her way, a Christmas Niptor keeping pace beside him..."

by 77thbigby
The Tale of Sammy the Rainbow Yooyu

"Sammy was a young Rainbow Yooyu that the Petpet Protection League brought over..." Collab with knightwolfalex

by rurirawr
Yooyu are Appreciated

"The lines at the slushie stand seemed never-ending. Cheryl Shelly the Red Tuskaninny slid from machine to customer..."

by swordlilly
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The Weirdest Petpets in Neopia

While most users opt for standard, conventional Petpets for their pets, there are those who have tastes that are more strange and unusual. For instance, what if you don’t want a Petpet at all… but an item instead? Or, perhaps you want to acquire an older Petpet to be a companion to your younger pet! If those options don’t satiate your desire for eccentricity, maybe you would like Petpets with “vintage” artwork? If rarity intrigues you, then the rarest Petpets… err, trading cards… in all of Neopia will surely pique your interest! However, if you have a desire for the spontaneous and random, you’d definitely like the lab-exclusive Petpets! But, maybe you’d just like a Petpet that fills you with nostalgia and reminds you of the good times it came from. No matter how weird, wild, odd, or strange your Petpet preferences are, we’ve got you covered. Prepare to embark on a comprehensive journey through every category of weird Petpets in Neopia! Item Petpets Some of the strangest Petpets that have made their home within Neopia are known as glitch Petpets. These are Petpets that can’t be attached normally, and, for the most part, are no longer able to be obtained. Glitch Petpets were never intended to be released, and most are the result of coding errors. Based on editorial posts, TNT is aware of these Petpets' existence.

Other Stories


The Petpet Predicament
Why choosing the perfect petpet for your pet may pose a problem.

by bymoonlit


Most Common Petpet Based on Where You Live In Neopia
Celebrating the Petpets from all over!

by chaeldar


A Corsair Among the Stars
"Doubt gnawed at Korzara’s inside as she stood before her destination..."

by zennistrad


Return to White River
"The bell that hung above the door still rang out with a cheerful clang, blissfully unaware of the emptiness of the darkened shop..."

by hzoo_26


Pick Your Petpet
I need to pick a Petpet...

by prulletje1852


"How well do you know Rock Petpets?" - Wordsearch
Can you find all of the different Rock Petpet colors?

by kimpossibleluvr

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