Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,486,709 Issue: 985 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y25
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Petpet Appreciation Day Petpet Search

Can you find all nine hidden petpets?

by gromits
Petpets Crossword

Can you solve this Petpet Crossword?

by kabosir
PetPet WordSearch

Can you find the all the Petpets in this wordsearch?

by ckgknyangel
A Long Time Ago at War...

A tiny battle brewing during the Faeries' Ruin...

by roxanna203
Rain of Mortogs

A normal user only sees a simple message...Collab with krowkano

by romina_r
Roast Tentacle

What a rude Petpet...

by _help_de_jaguar_
A Visit From Meep

They're the two best frienemies that anyone could have! Collab with dariganey

by shenkuun
Petpet Puzzles

Celebrate Petpets with these puzzles!

by crunchbar98
Faellie Tales 05: Lily's Wish

A little Faellie's forever home.

by coco6468
Petpet Jumble

Put your un-scrambling skills to the test with this Petpet themed jumble.

by srr8383
Meridell Safari

A-hunting she will go.

by kuroneko_kitty
Blossoms~ Meeting Epilogue

She knows better than to do it EVERY time.

by twillieblossom
"How well do you know Rock Petpets?" - Wordsearch

Can you find all of the different Rock Petpet colors?

by kimpossibleluvr
Springabee's Spelling Bee: Petpet Edition

Author's Note: Activity page dedicated to my best friend, Mark.

by pixie_tea
One Happy Kadoatie

Kadoaties are my favourite neopets animals

by vianeko666
Fur-ever Friends

Petpets are for life! Collab with dzalph & byrdie

by darkonek
Very eepy!

Just a little EEP!

by the_creator12345
Pick Your Petpet

I need to pick a Petpet...

by prulletje1852
Avatar Petpets

Some of the avatar Petpets are fluffy and cute! Some... not so much...

by snofoxe
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"Two of a Kind" by 77thbigby
“Over here, Parker!” Lonalee looked over her shoulder to see a big Grarrl coming her way, a Christmas Niptor keeping pace beside him. Grarrls weren’t common on Mystery Island either as natives or tourists, but Lonalee wasn’t intimidated by his big size or bigger teeth. The Grarrl and Niptor stopped short as they saw her. “Oh, we weren’t expecting anyone else out here. Is it okay if we join you? This is me and Parker’s first time on Mystery Island and I wanted to get a good view of the place before exploring some more.” He spoke Common with only the hint of an accent Lonalee couldn’t quite place. “Sure! It’s not like the view belongs to me and there’s plenty of room. My name’s Lonalee by the way and this is-” the young Island Kougra broke off her introduction as she realized that her Petpet had disappeared. She gave the Grarrl a sheepish look. “Just a sec!” She headed for the nearest undergrowth. The Grarrl and his Petpet had taken them by surprise. Her Babith had taken great strides in overcoming his species’ natural timidity but seeing two big, intimidating strangers come upon them without warning had been too much for him to handle. Thankfully, he never ran far, and it didn’t take long for her to find him. “Hey, everything’s gonna be alright.

Other Stories


What to Do With a Pile of Petpets?
"'What are you going to do with all these Petpets you’ve been collecting? Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ’em in a stew?'..."

by iwonder


Rywald's Vanishing Snacks
"Rywald had a problem. Most problems a royal guard encountered could be solved with fancy footwork..."

by dairykateri


A Guide to Spooky Petpets!
"Petpets are a great gift and companion to our Neopets. Do you have a spooky Ghost Neopet? How about a zombie Neopet?"

by califorthehomeless


Going for Gold: The Petpet Protection League
"Did you know your Neopets can earn a trophy just by playing with a unique Petpet for long enough?"

by crumpetcookie


A Corsair Among the Stars
"Doubt gnawed at Korzara’s inside as she stood before her destination..."

by zennistrad


Mae's Mysteries: The Case of the Missing Necklace
"Mae felt that even if she wasn't already aware of what pagoda Casara was staying in, she could've easily picked it out from all the pagodas on the mountain..."

by satintiger

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