Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,486,709 Issue: 985 | 16th day of Relaxing, Y25
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Unique Hues This Petpet Appreciation Day!

"Everyone loves Petpets, don’t they?"

by _brainchild_
Neopian Water Wonders

"Happy Petpet Day! Let’s take a deep dive into the fascinating world of the pets of our Petpets"

by parody_ham
Most Common Petpet Based on Where You Live In Neopia

Celebrating the Petpets from all over!

by chaeldar
The Petpet Predicament

Why choosing the perfect petpet for your pet may pose a problem.

by bymoonlit
An Overview of The Ecology of the Krawk Petpet

"Many scholars all across Neopia have dedicated their lives to researching Petpets. Every year, new species are discovered which help us further understand the ecology of Neopia."

by timezor
The Weirdest Petpets in Neopia

"While most users opt for standard, conventional Petpets for their pets, there are those who have tastes that are more strange and unusual." Collab with smartalecked

by jokirs
Going for Gold: The Petpet Protection League

"Did you know your Neopets can earn a trophy just by playing with a unique Petpet for long enough?"

by crumpetcookie
A Guide to Spooky Petpets!

"Petpets are a great gift and companion to our Neopets. Do you have a spooky Ghost Neopet? How about a zombie Neopet?"

by califorthehomeless
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Unique Hues This Petpet Appreciation Day!

Christine: Hi! Everyone loves Petpets, don’t they? Angie: Anything that doesn’t bite. Christine: Well, there are plenty of loveable Petpets out there who wouldn’t hurt a fly, along with some vicious ones. This Petpet Appreciation Day, minds across Neopia turn to these interesting critters. Ella: Some are glamorous... I’ve had my Faerie Snowbunny for years. Maldice: Some are creepy, like my Mutant Clompkin. Christine: Finally, some are a unique colour which belongs only to them! Something you cannot paint. You pick them up as they are! Angie: I’m confused... Give an example. Christine: Like the Apple Spyder from the Apple Bobbing game... No other Petpet can be apple-coloured at the time of writing. Angie: Oh, I see. Christine: Therefore, in honour of Petpet Appreciation Day, I have rounded up some uniquely coloured Petpets for our viewing pleasure. Without further ado, here are the Petpets: ---Apple Spyder--- Angie: Aaarrgghh!!! I know from first-hand experience that Spyders bite. Maldice: That’s why he’s in a cage. Don’t stick your fingers in, and you’ll be fine. Angie: True, but he’s still scary... Christine: As I said before, the Apple Spyder is a prize from the Apple Bobbing game in the Haunted Woods. However, you are better off buying it off of the Shop Wizard for mere pocket change, as the Apple Bobbing game can have negative effects as well.

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