Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 197,091,448 Issue: 962 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y24
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Idea Crisis

by black_kisa

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Great stories!


The Distorted
Throughout history, some stories are prone to losing their meanings. The tale of Toumei the Distorted is no different.

by fallingdaybreak


Hair Issues
Let's try a new hairstyle.

by rhagna


Where Are They Now: Heroes, Villians and Icons
"Hello everyone! Thank you for reading the first instalment of a brand new mini-series documenting the lives of famous, and infamous, icons in the world of Neopia after their peak in the limelight."

by mickey_a94_a39


The Lost World of Petpets
"Together, let's take a dive into the underground world of forgotten Petpets you might not have heard about…"

by winter_pony4

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