Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 131,950,016 Issue: 271 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y8
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The Secret Behind Pyramids

by alu_chan

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Great stories!


The Cookies That Wouldn't Crisp
It had not been a fluke; her cookies just weren't crisping, and with the Day of Giving just around the corner!

by changethew0rld


Done Deal! - Holiday Shopping!
It's like meditation, only different.

by pantheray


Fancy A Fight?

Also by xpropugnator

by gliderames


The 10 Worst Holiday Gifts
Sure, everyone gets socks, jumpers and shampoo under the tree, but this article will deal with the worst of the worst.

Also by hurricanegirlyeah

by ngc_5128

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