Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 131,950,016 Issue: 271 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y8
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Continued Series

Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Seven

They both curled up in their beds, trying to forget the complicated task they had gotten so unexpectedly... completely unaware of two pairs of small eyes watching them from a corner of the room...

by ssjelitegirl
The Battle for Kreludor: Part Seven

In an instant the Resistance opened fire on him. "Wait!" Oen shouted. It was too late. Lasers were being fired in all directions. They bounced off the reinforced metal door and ricocheted across the control room...

by azellica
Into the Sea: Part Four

Katrina never mentioned Amelia, or how she hadn't seen her that day at the races when Sasha said she was in the lane right next to hers. Katrina figured she had just understood Sasha wrong. But still...

by sytra
In This Together: Part Four

Running away from home, alone. It's all very well in stories, isn't it? To me it had always seemed something of a dramatic, romantic thing to do, even if it was one that I'd never seriously consider doing on my own. Now I was in the middle of the reality, with aching hooves...

by rainbow_daydreamer
The Hoarders: Part Three

"Time to get up," the other pet replied, already slithering down off the platform. "If you're going to live with us, you'll have to live like us, too. And Cane sent me to get you. It's time for you to start..."

by ruff_zette
Whispers: Part Two

Aidne snorted. For some reason, Aurora was really starting to get on her nerves. "Of course not. It was just a stupid old dream about Geraptiku and stuff..."

by betazoid_telepath
Orbulon and the Founder of Symol Hole: Part Three

The little creature stared up at her with vacant eyes. It looked simple-minded; maybe it would do her bidding. She heard its stomach growl. A wicked grin spread across Jhudora's green lips...

by tashni
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Disappearing Deaver - Part Two

"Ahoy!" came a cry from the bow. A mountain-sized pirate Eyrie landed before us, eye level meeting mine. "DeSoto's the name, Captain DeSoto if you aren't lookin' for a fight," he said and laughed. "Petpet Detectives, I hope?"

by playmobil_is_my_life
Hissi, Come Blow Your Horn!: Part Three

I'm really scared about the contest, Dad. If this thing is sponsored by Neotunes studio, then they might feel the same about Hissies as Miss Malba did. I don't want the Jazz Tones to lose because of me...

by bitsy_dj
Revisited: Part Two

The Scorchio laughed a bit, although Jenny certainly didn't hear anything she thought was the least bit funny. The laughter did make her quite a bit more uneasy, however. As they walked out of the foyer and down a hallway, Jenny was trying to form yet another plan of escape...

by puppy200010
Are We Still Friends?: Part Two

"He flew away, and he looked like he was going toward the Citadel, and... I don't know if I'm ever gonna see him again!"

by sarahleeadvent
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"The Greatest Christmas Ever" by jcrules902
Outside. In the cold. Alone. By myself. Freezing my tail off. A great way to spend Christmas! Note to self: Don't spend any more nights in 2 degree weather! He added that to his already rather long list of mental notes and things to do, getting a bit more annoyed by the second. He heaved a sigh...

Other Stories


Christmas Tide
Even the biggest rookie of the ocean knew that a sky of that color could mean only one thing: a storm, and a nasty one at that...

by laurelinden


A Bori's Christmas
Something in Apoc snapped. "I hate this holiday!" he cried. "It's a cheap case for the Toy Shop to triple its sales! And you never get me what I want anyway! Last year I wanted a Darigan Paint Brush, but you said no! You're the worst owner ever!"

by mystery_island111223


The Truth About Scarblade
Why did Scarblade want to destroy Maraqua in the first place? He may be nasty, but he did not seem nasty enough to destroy entire civilizations because he was bored.

by squareular


You've Got Needs, We've Got Jobs
Because many Neopians aren't that busy, we give out jobs that suit the Neopian. The best part about jobs are that you get paid, of course.

by xerashigreens


A Slorgtastic Christmas!
Really, you didn't have to!

Idea by monkeybytes

by jellybeanott


...Good Point
I don't get it!

by jbubblekitty

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