Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 190,028,839 Issue: 566 | 12th day of Collecting, Y14
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We found the following 15 result(s) for the keyword thorndove

Week - 429

Vira's Dagger: Part One
by thorndove
Description: The Acara's hard, cruel eyes softened as she remembered another time. She remembered the happy days that she had shared with her parents and younger sister. But those were long gone.

Week - 430

Vira's Dagger: Part Two
by thorndove
Description: Only then did she look properly at her sister's face. "Vira!" she gasped. "You're really pretty!"

Week - 431

Vira's Dagger: Part Three
by thorndove
Description: "What happened?" she asked in a croaky whisper. "Am I even an Acara anymore?"

Week - 432

Vira's Dagger: Part Four
by thorndove
Description: "Wait!' Vira called, gliding after it. "I won't hurt you! Come back!"

Week - 435

by thorndove
Description: Here dwelt Lord Darkeye: a stocky red Pteri and former knight of Meridell. Having since been granted noble status, he spent his days neglecting his brilliant mind to a seemingly pointless task.

Week - 439

by thorndove
Description: For as long as anyone could remember, it had been the sole chronicler of every sad story in the whole world.

Week - 483

by thorndove
Description: "Good. 201, I am going to trial the happiness program. Prepare for installation."

Week - 489

A Thorn Amongst Roses
by thorndove
Description: "Twisted Roses" is comprised of lead vocalist Sho, keyboardist Z-Far, and guitarist and occasional backup vocalist Ix.

Week - 492

by thorndove
Description: The carriage rocketed through the rain, water and mud splashing up against its frame. It was going far too fast...

Week - 505

The Locker Room
by thorndove
Description: "They're bringing some fans down in a minute. Make a good impression."

Week - 536

by thorndove
Description: The Nimmo seized her arm and dragged her around the corner, into the petpet food aisle. His eyes flickered about warily. Then, pressing close to the shelves, he inched forward and peered into the Fresh Produce section.

Week - 563

Storm of Fortunes: Part One
by thorndove
Description: The screen flickered into life. A Kougra stepped back into view, anxiously wet her lips.

"I'm sorry, Wolf," she said in a hushed whisper...

Week - 564

Storm of Fortunes: Part Two
by thorndove
Description: "Have you had much experience with wraiths, Mister Tyson?" he asked.

"No, sir."

"You know of their reputation, though?"

Week - 565

Storm of Fortunes: Part Three
by thorndove
Description: "Nobody's seen him. He's like a ghost."

Week - 566

Storm of Fortunes: Part Four
by thorndove
Description: He opened the envelope and removed a creased sheet of paper. Even as he opened it, his heart began to sink.

It was the same message he had decoded for Wolf.

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Cinnamon and Vinegar: Part Three
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An Interview with King Roo
Hello, everyone! I'm back with another new and exciting interview, this time with none other than King Roo!

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Masquerade: Part Four
"Do you have any Sugar Coated Leaf?" Zaira asked the waiter as we sat down at the table. The Grarrl waiter shook his head...

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