The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 190,028,839 Issue: 566 | 12th day of Collecting, Y14
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To Work is to Live #8

Oh Em Gee I'm M.S.P~!

by shamaela
So Says the Slorg!!!

Maybe it's not so odd that Karma is paired up with Mr. Slug after all...

by supercheezee
Funny Food - Part 4/5

Too heavy!

Also by melovechias

by ilovejonulrich

Greyscale: Relic

Common puns find their way into Neopia. It's classic! It's monochromatic!

by toffeedatepudding
Sassi Comics: Walk in the Park

Do you have a job?

by seiya_from_ashes
P&P: Loopholes

Are you sure, Symol's Hole?

Also by johnny_depps_girl101

by mumumuchan

Comic About Bori


by fudoggz
Crabby Burgers

Raw foods can be hazardous to your health.

by l_like_animals
Quest for the Dung Scarab: Issue 2 (part 2)

Issue 2 (part 2): Seeking

by cardquestmanager
Comic Yay - Fishing

Science? Uhh, yeah, we'll go with 'science'.

by mooseydoom101
Lame Pun Presents: Von Roo

Von Roo's Free Meal

by blackaavar
OTL: Sunday Dinner

Mmm.... you just can't get used to it. (:

by kamagirin

#001: Mission Complete

by rainletter
The Adventures of Pet Ownership: Friend or Foe

Ironically I got the avatar the day after I drew this! I guess he didn't want Shmeeph touching anything.

by shadow_rep
Chocolate Surprise!

Oh where has his little petpet gone this time?

by fatefulwings
We heard you like pets...

so TNT gave your pet a pet so you can play with your pet while you play with your pet!

by hideri
Kiko Instruments

How to not find a gift for your Kiko.

by leites
Unlikeable Sort

Some pets don't get along.

by keese_bat

Think before you zap!

by qoukii
Reinstated Noob

So much has changed!

by explorer__dog
Vic Gets Mad

"Games will make you agressive, she said."

by guuvii

Imagine all those stairs.

by lucas4429
A Spooky Halloween, part 2

The longest tour ever!

by ghostkomorichu
Like Clockwork - Part One

Brought to you by Neopian Magic in cooperation with Artistic Licensing, Co.

by keshia_songwings
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"The Underwater Mage" by rachelindea
Enchanting... that was the only word for it. The young Cybunny twirled through the water, watching the vibrant seaweed rippling around her passage. Swimming almost parallel to her was a school of Soreen, tails flicking in staccato movements as they propelled their way through the ocean. She kicked her legs harder to propel herself, but the school anticipated her approach and darted away, scattering in an explosion of colours...

Other Stories


Have Hope
Kale Xadum and Bella Chorsicks walked along the cobblestoned roads, enduring the misfortune and awkwardness of a conversation for a conversation's sake.

by cherishtwilight


Friends of All Sizes
Scurrying out too soon for the spoils would lead to being discovered by the sharp-eyed Quiggle. One swipe of that sticky tongue, and you'd be gone before you even had time to blink.

by nebulavulpa157


For Those Planning to Visit Maraqua
Many don't realize that speaking underwater can pose difficulties if it isn't something you're used to.

by hermione_890_neo


Claare's List Of Underappreciated Neopian Heroes
Today I would like to draw attention to these people, with hopes that they'll soon be recognized for what they've done, and continue to do.

by dewdropzz


Beneath a Pumpkin Moon: Part Two
Even if he'd finished reading the sign, it's doubtful that Dust to Dustpan would have turned back. Warnings were, after all, for those poor, unfortunate souls that weren't Meepits.

by lilahne_aluoki


Storm of Fortunes: Part Four
He opened the envelope and removed a creased sheet of paper. Even as he opened it, his heart began to sink.

It was the same message he had decoded for Wolf.

by thorndove

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