A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 190,028,839 Issue: 566 | 12th day of Collecting, Y14
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Short Stories

Of Kitchens, Mummies and Unnecessary Heroics

They were Meepits, a small gang of roughly a dozen that spent its time looking for food.

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl

The Storyteller

"I'll begin my story in a few minutes downstairs," she said. "Everyone is gathering."

by vanessa1357924680
Reflections on a War Long Past: The Broken Sword

It has been ten years since the war, and the broken sword still hangs above my mantle. It gleams with its silvery sheen, a constant reminder of what I loved... and lost.

by panda_girl555
The Lost

The Gelert threw a look back over his shoulder, apparently checking to see where his pursuers were. His dark eyes widened...

by graveyardcandyapple
Have Hope

Kale Xadum and Bella Chorsicks walked along the cobblestoned roads, enduring the misfortune and awkwardness of a conversation for a conversation's sake.

by cherishtwilight

The storm is coming.

by suicune998
Friends of All Sizes

Scurrying out too soon for the spoils would lead to being discovered by the sharp-eyed Quiggle. One swipe of that sticky tongue, and you'd be gone before you even had time to blink.

by nebulavulpa157
Mutants of Meridell

While the king might be fond of Oris, there were two reasons this was possibly the worst thing that could have happened. Kings, just like everyone else, change their minds.

by csi_new_york
The Underwater Mage

Enchanting... that was the only word for it. The young Cybunny twirled through the water, watching the vibrant seaweed rippling around her passage.

by rachelindea
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"The Underwater Mage" by rachelindea
Enchanting... that was the only word for it. The young Cybunny twirled through the water, watching the vibrant seaweed rippling around her passage. Swimming almost parallel to her was a school of Soreen, tails flicking in staccato movements as they propelled their way through the ocean. She kicked her legs harder to propel herself, but the school anticipated her approach and darted away, scattering in an explosion of colours...

Other Stories


Claare's List Of Underappreciated Neopian Heroes
Today I would like to draw attention to these people, with hopes that they'll soon be recognized for what they've done, and continue to do.

by dewdropzz


Top 10 Things You Should Know About Fyora!
In all recorded history of Neopia, Fyora has been the Queen of the Faeries, or sometimes known as the Lady of the Western Skies.

Also by gwendarwen

by rebourne_


Storm of Fortunes: Part Four
He opened the envelope and removed a creased sheet of paper. Even as he opened it, his heart began to sink.

It was the same message he had decoded for Wolf.

by thorndove


The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Six
No matter how many times she wore it, Princess Lunara was always surprised by how heavy her ancient lapis amulet was.

Also by thropp

by sandrilene


Funny Food - Part 4/5
Too heavy!

Also by melovechias

by ilovejonulrich


OTL: Sunday Dinner
Mmm.... you just can't get used to it. (:

by kamagirin

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