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Games Room: High Scores

Maths Nightmare

(minimum score : 4,320 Points)

Gold Trophy

Gold Trophy

Silver Trophy

Silver Trophy

Bronze Trophy

Bronze Trophy

18 glazebr00k 5,920   19 sokochan 5,920  
20 caticulated 5,920   21 maastermaxx 5,920  
22 papped 5,920   23 logicallyvulcan 5,920  
24 zoukai 5,920   25 tylerhuyser 5,880  
26 countrygurl0808 5,880   27 fshawolg 5,880  
28 dan0555 5,880   29 paperjeans 5,880  
30 coolman233312 5,880   31 candycooling 5,880  
32 fjantzon 5,880   33 neo_battler987 5,880  
34 bubbe002 5,880   35 fifo_13 5,880  
36 arcticfir 5,880   37 brucey530 5,880  
38 arra15 5,880   39 brightvalearmoury 5,880  
40 sjdhsdius2 5,880   41 robertandrewparsloe 5,880  
42 thetimedoge 5,880   43 tantios_12 5,880  
44 reganoid95 5,880   45 heron_dilelio 5,880  
46 pokemon13313 5,880   47 bomberman363 5,880  
48 hiddendragoncrouches 5,880   49 lucidrythem 5,880  
50 cotte123 5,880   51 raptorsama 5,880  
52 a_1994 5,880   53 linkfan1896 5,880  
54 gustavo_henrique_38 5,880   55 ginnyclone 5,880  
56 tylertsaiwl 5,880   57 vh8max 5,880  
58 janotex 5,880   59 _matriarchy 5,880  
60 kitties_and_cats_332 5,880   61 superfreak00000 5,880  
62 justin_967 5,880   63 cutiecupcake2006 5,840  
64 alienor7777 5,840   65 sidzim 5,840  
66 bloroxcleach 5,840   67 shubi5 5,840  
68 kittycatisginger18 5,840   69 briochienne 5,840  
70 bigryanfan 5,840   71 moldymochi 5,840  
72 idarker 5,840   73 wanderthrust 5,840  
74 wangynut 5,840   75 jubjub867200 5,840  
76 x__synnamon__x 5,800   77 hoboprincess 5,800  
78 bitefrost 5,800   79 trojancow 5,800  
80 shadowassasin33 5,800   81 hobby4 5,800  
82 surferboard_girl 5,800   83 kyelfn 5,800  
84 axelgon 5,800   85 oo_yuu 5,800  
86 iosismouse 5,800   87 nazuli 5,800  
88 xakemii 5,760   89 buttered_noodle 5,760  
90 ilikepiehi12 5,760   91 miesiemaliemoelie 5,760  
92 sweetestflip 5,760   93 anniebts 5,760  
94 otter329 5,760   95 jemima152 5,760  
96 libbie_87 5,760   97 draiklover4664 5,760  
98 luviluvi 5,760   99 oodlienoodliez 5,760  
100 gypsychic420 5,720