Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 194,924,132 Issue: 806 | 17th day of Storing, Y19
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword jetaketa

Week - 295

Taking Care of Your Walking Carpet
by jetaketa
Description: Brush him down every five to ten minutes, just to be extra safe. Make sure you get behind his horns, or he'll "Raaawwwwwrooooorggggh!" until the sun comes up.

Week - 740

Mystery Island Essential Vacation Guide
by jetaketa
Description: Summer is here and it's time for a vacation!! Let's run off the Mystery Island for an adventure!

Week - 742

Running A Successful Bakery
by jetaketa
Description: A Neopian guide to running the perfect bakery and sweets shop!

Week - 743

The Highs and Lows of Tyranu Evavu
by jetaketa
Description: A classic Neopian game, Tyranu Evavu will test your luck, your reasoning, and your patience. In this guide, we'll take a look into the history of the game, how it works, and how you can win millions (or, well...thousands. Tyrannians weren't know for being rich, prosperous people).

Week - 800

800+ Years In Neopia
by jetaketa
Description: A users guide to pre-historic Neopia, the land before we ever knew it!

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The Adventures of Minion #229: Food For Thought
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To Adopt A Mutant
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Guild Games R Us!
Add some POW and KICK back to your guild activities!

by remidica


Beyond the Standard Trophies
Secretly we may aspire to more, but unless we love playing games or have a gift for them, we tend to stick to the more obtainable ones. I have a few suggestions for game trophies that are slightly less common, although still relatively straightforward to obtain.

by avielend

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