Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 193,540,341 Issue: 696 | 28th day of Hiding, Y17
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

As the tunnel started veering off to the right, I kept my right paw on the wall. The light faded quickly and soon it seemed like I was barely inching along. I had my left paw out in front of my face so that I wouldn't accidentally brain myself on a stalactite. I probably already had a concussion from the fall earlier, no need to make it worse. I opened my eyes as wide as possible but it was pitch dark. A wall could be two inches out of the reach of my claws and I wouldn't know it.

Random Acts of Kindness

Isn’t it nice to give something back? Everyone knows that random acts of kindness are wonderful ways to share with other people. And because everyone loves Neopets so much, why not do your best to brighten up the site by spreading some happiness to share with someone else! Here are some ideas that you can use to make someone’s day on Neopets!

Backpacking On A Budget

Hopefully you have got hold of all the necessary equipment and are ready for adventure. If you only have limited funds it’s important to work out the best route to the places you want to visit. Neopia is a big place and it can be very expensive to travel between different lands. Here I’m going to explain how to go about the first part of your journey in a way which is big on adventure but low on cost.

Reasons You Should Never Own A Petpet

So, you're considering getting a petpet, eh? That very thought makes me laugh. Well, you might really...and let me stress, really...want to think hard about it before spending one single neopoint on those creatures. Yes they're lovable and cute and all that jazz, but believe me, there are quite a few reasons why you personally might not be ready to take on the responsibility. Let's examine some.

Other Stories
"The Pirate King Files: A Defender's Mission" by ezel68
"Stop that thief!" A blue Shoyru was hurriedly flying away, tightly clutching a handbag and heavily breathing. On the ground, far behind him, was an elderly Ogrin who was angrily shaking her trembling fist. "Get back here,!" the Ogrin howled, but the Shoyru was long gone. The Ogrin shakily tried to get to her feet, but she had the wind knocked out of her when the Shoyru attacked, and she could scarcely stand. A hand caught the Ogrin's arm and helped her stand. The Ogrin saw a Neopet she did not recognize standing beside her. The Neopet was a female pink Aisha, wearing a bright yellow and pink costume emblazoned with the symbol of a white lotus. The Aisha wore a yellow mask and had a pink capelet draped over her shoulders.

"Lab Partners" by megan_a_56
The pair of Unis walked up to the Neoschool. Outside, groups of students mingled on the lawn, excitedly comparing schedules and catching up with those they hadn’t seen over the summer. It seemed like a picture perfect first day of Neoschool. The mother turned to her daughter. “I want you to promise me you’ll try to make friends here. You may have gotten away with keeping to yourself in the past, but this is high school now. You’re supposed to be social and involved.” The woodland Uni merely shrugged in response. Her family moved Neohomes almost every year, so she found it difficult to make friends in her classes. While she sometimes wished she had someone to talk to, she found it easier to study and keep her grades up if she didn’t have other Neopets pestering her to hang out all the time.

"When a Vacation Isn't a Choice" by guineagymnastics
"Greetings, subject group 647-B. My name is Phidre, and today you will be testing a few of the Space Station’s latest technological devices, including the much-anticipated Nebula Force Field Generator. I presume you have all signed and read the safety waivers…” The microphone in Phidre’s ear crackled. Her hand instinctively shot up to adjust the mic, fiddling with it momentarily to try and catch the incoming signal. A voice boomed into her ear, mixed with static. “Dr. Phidre, you don’t have any subjects today,” Startled, the Halloween Draik looked up from her papers. Stationed in an observatory booth far above Virtupets’ Grundo Training Facility, she had been so caught up in her files that she had failed to notice there were no subjects waiting in the atrium below.

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Blossoms~ Retry Part 6
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Through the Woods: Part One
It wasn't often a fight broke out in the throne room. In fact, a fight really never broke out in the throne room. The only arguments that the queen had seen erupt in her throne room was a few between guards, and that one occurence with Jhudora and Illusen as always. Yet, here the faerie sat, watching with mild shock and slight amusement as a screaming match ensued right in front of her eyes.

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Guide to Ice Cream Machine
Have you ever wondered what happens when you eat too much ice cream? It happened to Adee the Chia. She had ice cream for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. And now she’s trapped into some strange dream where the ice cream is attacking her! And that is what Ice Cream Machine is all about!

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Janet and Jane: The Case of the Targeted Heiress: Part Six
Alright, Janet. You shouldn't freak out. What was the worse that could happen to her? She was pretty strong from what I saw. There wasn't any worry. I could just find her and tell her what was up.

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Tuba Is Very Sad
It wants WHAT?!

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