Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 190,988,487 Issue: 588 | 29th day of Running, Y15
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I mean, taking the obelisk sounds great in theory, but...

Grandma Boochi

I discovered that Boochi is no orphan without any ties in Neopia – something I had foolishly assumed, as it would explain nicely why this tiny Bruce tries to turn others into babies as it would give him new playmates to ease his solitary existence –, but is member of a large family headed by an elderly Bruce whom everybody in the family simply calls Grandma Boochi. It is with great delight...

The Perfect Prank

Has someone tricked you before? Hungry for revenge? Or simply looking for that perfect prank to play on your friends on this both wonderful and awful day? Here are some tips to crafting that infallible, undetectable, absolutely jaw-dropping prank to make them the April Fool! :D (Also, how some pointers on how you can avoid becoming the said April Fool instead...)

Eco-Fabulous NC Customisations

It is entirely possible to make fabulous customisations using inexpensive NC clothing items. Often even advanced customisers fall into the trap of only using items that are very popular and therefore are almost inevitably also very expensive. While some of these items are indeed very beautiful, unfortunately customisers often make the mistake of only using them in the same, tired old customisations that have been...

Other Stories
"Desert Journey" by cureleantwilight
A lone white Zafara stood strong against the harsh winds of the Lost Desert. He clung hard to his ruby red cloak, hastily trying to shield gusts of sand from his eyes. Although the scorching sun blinded his vision, he could just make out the rising peak of a mountain some miles ahead. I will reach that mountain. The Zafara, Noel Preston, was well aware of a lost treasure...

"The Darkfordian Chronicles: Wind" by creativemonster9
"Well, when... someone, develops magical abilities later on in their lives it can... present a danger to others." She knew the instant it was out of her mouth and onto the Moehog's face that all of Sakhmet would know of her secret by tomorrow afternoon. "You're a mage? But, no way! You're way too old to develop magical..."

"An Unforgettable Reunion" by epicgiggle
"Guys, come on, this isn't funny now!" A blue Grundo stormed into the room, almost taking the door off its hinges. He stopped dead in his tracks as he looked around the room. "Oh. Well, that makes sense, I guess." He looked down at his watch – yes, he was definitely on time; a few minutes early, if anything. He rolled his eyes with a smirk – he'd always been the only...

Negg Huntin' Time!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Festival of Neggs
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Great stories!


An Unforgettable Reunion
What do Gormball players do between seasons? They have a reunion.

by epicgiggle


Path to Destiny: Part Four
"The name's Sora. Need some help? You look like you're having trouble," she offered calmly.

by dragonwolf8


Can Kadoaties Read?
My name is Jayne. I'm a Kadoatie.

It took me months to learn to associate words and signs on paper; several weeks of looking around me, trying to figure out what those black marks on the walls of my little cage mean.

by sergente__hartmann


Amikarashui #21
Elderly Emergency

by bluecloud300


The Quest!: Part Three
Lunia and Jex had been wandering through the potential dangers of the Haunted Woods...

by anapaula_p55

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