Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 190,988,487 Issue: 588 | 29th day of Running, Y15
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How to Succeed at the Beauty Contest

While it is possible to win the Beauty Contest solely by entering an amazing image or even a really good image, more often, the Beauty Contest takes additional effort beyond just entering and collecting your trophy in one week.

by blackwater444
A Simple Guide To Eco-Fabulous NC Customisations

It is entirely possible to make fabulous customisations using inexpensive NC clothing items.

by pastypigeon
Top 7 Most Beautiful Foods

So if you're an absolute food fanatic like I am, then you'll fall in love with my list of the top 7 most beautiful foods in all of Neopia!

by jamieannbassett
Claare's Wonderful Things To Do With Neggs

What's not to love about the mysterious and incredibly interesting objects with a remarkable resemblance to eggs?

by dewdropzz
Family Secrets - An Interview with Grandma Boochi

Boochi is no orphan without any ties in Neopia – something I had foolishly assumed, as it would explain nicely why this tiny Bruce tries to turn others into babies as it would give him new playmates to ease his solitary existence –, but is member of a large family headed by an elderly Bruce whom everybody in the family simply calls Grandma Boochi.

by chaotizitaet
April Fools Top Tricks

I have some recommendations to make your April Fools the most mischievous one of them all!

by fantasyeyesuk
The Perfect April Fool's Prank

The first of April is an infamous time of the year. Absolutely NO ONE should be trusted...

by mutantbobo
Article Spies - Grandma Boochi

Scene: Tyrannian Outskirts, five o'clock in the morning. Near the tent of the leaders of the Awakened.

Also by birdinggal

by water_park1993

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"An Unforgettable Reunion" by epicgiggle
"Guys, come on, this isn't funny now!" A blue Grundo stormed into the room, almost taking the door off its hinges. He stopped dead in his tracks as he looked around the room. "Oh. Well, that makes sense, I guess." He looked down at his watch – yes, he was definitely on time; a few minutes early, if anything. He rolled his eyes with a smirk – he'd always been the only...

Other Stories


TextQuest vs. 4.1 -- April Fools!
You are highly stressed out. Why? It is none other than April Fools, and many of your friends have already come to pull some kind of prank on you.

by rielcz


The Unexpected Winter of the Heart
The air of Terror Mountain was cold, colder than anything she'd ever felt. It rushed through her fur and tickled her nose as she walked.

by emilyrae41700


Path to Destiny: Part Four
"The name's Sora. Need some help? You look like you're having trouble," she offered calmly.

by dragonwolf8


The Darkfordian Chronicles: Wind - Part One
Should he make but one slip of his quill, the glorious history of his family could be besmirched forever. 

You simply must start, he told himself...

by creativemonster9


While You Were Out
Why do plots always happen when I'm away?!

by nova_bee


Poor Plumpy...
No bacon for Plumpy on this year's 1st April. :(

by tirrya

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