A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 190,988,487 Issue: 588 | 29th day of Running, Y15
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New Series

The Darkfordian Chronicles: Wind - Part One

Should he make but one slip of his quill, the glorious history of his family could be besmirched forever. 

You simply must start, he told himself...

by creativemonster9

Desert Journey: Part One

A lone white Zafara stood strong against the harsh winds of the Lost Desert. He clung hard to his ruby red cloak, hastily trying to shield gusts of sand from his eyes.

by cureleantwilight
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The Perfect Prank

Has someone tricked you before? Hungry for revenge? Or simply looking for that perfect prank to play on your friends on this both wonderful and awful day? Here are some tips to crafting that infallible, undetectable, absolutely jaw-dropping prank to make them the April Fool! :D (Also, how some pointers on how you can avoid becoming the said April Fool instead...)

Other Stories


One day I came home to find my owner crying.

by geniusbulb


Can Kadoaties Read?
My name is Jayne. I'm a Kadoatie.

It took me months to learn to associate words and signs on paper; several weeks of looking around me, trying to figure out what those black marks on the walls of my little cage mean.

by sergente__hartmann


The Perfect April Fool's Prank
The first of April is an infamous time of the year. Absolutely NO ONE should be trusted...

by mutantbobo


April Fools Top Tricks
I have some recommendations to make your April Fools the most mischievous one of them all!

by fantasyeyesuk


Once Upon a Peaceful Neopian Day
Prof. Milton Clodbottle had an excellent idea!

Also by _sahne_

by nastja_xx


Just Grandma Boochi's Luck
Wait, what?! Where did she come from?

by saudadesdagripe

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