Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 189,582,355 Issue: 556 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

No matter what species or colour a Neopet is, no matter how good or bad their name is, they want a home, and we as owners are the only ones able to provide that.

Paintbrush Peculiarities

Have you ever noticed the cement feet of the topiary-like Woodland JubJub? What about the eerie red eyes and bows of the White Usul? Neopia is filled with pets who defy their color standards, and today I'm here to tell you about some of the coolest, most unique, or just plain oddest colors you can paint your pet. The Neopies may be long gone, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't celebrate all the truly astounding pets that Neopia has to offer! Whether you're looking for a new permie, or just a fan of perusing potential pet colors, this fantabulous article...

The Caption Contest

A question I am asked somewhat frequently nowadays is, "How do you keep getting into the Caption Contest"? While I have had relatively good success lately, I don't have any "secret" tips to guarantee myself a spot among the winning captions. The best I can do is simply enter some captions that I find funny, cross my fingers and toes, and hope for the best! Every time I see my name among the chosen captions, I am still surprised and get a warm feeling inside. The best feeling of all is getting in for the very first time! And that is why...

The Power of the Pawkeet

Mynci Beach Volleyball is a game that has taunted Neopians for years and years. It can get so frustrating at times, you really do feel like you have sand in your pants! What was TNT thinking in making a game that could cause us to lose our sanity? But don't fret! Past the anger and frustration are ways to dominate the game and show that Mynci who is boss. In this guide I will start off with the very basics of the game, then dive into…

Other Stories
"Nightfall" by havittaa
The caravans in the camp were brightly colored and ornate, sitting beside patched tents. As Grant approached his own tent, a door from the nearest caravan burst open. "Miz Amy?" Grant called, throwing his top hat on the dirt patch before his tent. "Grant, m'boy," Amy responded. The pink Kyrii fluttered from the steps of the caravan, a light bouncing from within it. Her blue eyeshadow looked gaudy under the full moon and her skirt drifted inches from...

"Looney Lockewood" by ihailin
The street was a dead end, and the voice was following them down into the ally. Phalor nuzzled her neck into Shailayna's purple fluff, closing her eyes tight. Shailayna's ears twitched with each approaching footstep. She could smell the odd mixture of stale tea, dust, and dull cologne that reminded her of her great-grandfather. Phalor opened an eye just a crack, instantly regretting it. The mad old Buzz was glowering down at...

"King Paz" by emrozi
Pazniec wasn't really a king, but he felt as though he was. "King Paz"—it had a certain ring to it, didn't it? After all, if you were charged with writing the laws of Altador, you really were quite important. King Altador might hold all the power, but when he decided to issue a decree, who was the one who decided how it should be drafted? Who was the one who translated King Altador's wishes into linguistic shape, and breathed life into the law? Why—it was Pazniec...

Must... Obey... The Meepits...

This week's issue is brought to you by: Secret Meepit 'Stache
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