teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 189,237,041 Issue: 550 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y14
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

His luck was too good, Davis thought. Here, he had ordered the most expensive delicacies of Neopia only to be charged a mere 550 neopoints!

Voice of Neopia: 550th Issue

Who better to dedicate this 550th issue article to than the famous Jazan and Hanso? Jazan made his first editorial closing in issue 489 after Hanso posted a very dashing picture of one handsome blue Ixi thief there. From then on, the dynamic duo has come to define a part of this Neopian Times culture by bringing joy to editorial readers everywhere...

10 Items Representing Neopia

Neopians are famously nostalgic. However, I've made an effort to showcase items that are of universal importance to the vast majority of our diverse host of Neopians, as the publication of this very special issue is celebrated and held dear by everyone. :) Neopia Central Scene Stamp: As its name entails, Neopia Central is the primary...

Falling in Love

Play with your pets. I don't just mean take them to the Merry-Go-Round or play with a Blue Bouncy Ball on the floor (though those can be excellent bonding experiences). There are a million ways to play with your pets, and I'll be covering several of them in turn. The easiest way to begin paying more attention to your pets is to make them be active...

Other Stories
"Guilty Conscience" by aria_imp
Brynn blinked. "Did you just try to pick pocket a guard?" "Unnggg," said the thief pitifully. It was a scruffy Ixi. His paws waved like feeble seaweed. Brynn let up a little as Malgan strolled toward them. The hard-eyed Usul watched silently, and Brynn knew that her brain should be babbling protocol at her at the speed of light and that she should be listening to it, but she couldn't stop staring at the Ixi disbelievingly. "Were you dropped on the head a lot as a child?" she said wonderingly...

"The Day The NT (Almost) Died" by birdinggal and punkinunk
Everything was quiet. Too quiet. Captain Noblefeathers the Brave, a Weewoo with glistening white feathers that shone like snow in the sun, knew this could mean only one thing. His arch-nemesis, the evil Doctor Dastardly, must be in his lair, piecing together his latest fiendish plot. Captain Noblefeathers knew that he, the bravest White Weewoo in all of Neopia, was the only one with enough skills, bravery, and dashing good looks to stop him...

"The Veritable Connoisseur" by dragonstorm_75
I am very proud of you. I also know that you need only fifty more foods in order to get first place in the club, so I decided to send you something that could shorten your list down to forty-nine. I was on my way to Meridell Castle to discuss some tax issues with King Skarl himself when I spotted this little blue orb on the side of the dirt road. I stopped my mount and soon learned that it has a rarity of 95, so it satisfies the regulations of the Gourmet Club. Enjoy, I hope you win soon...

Patience, Young Moach

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Buzzer Game
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Recommended Strategies for the NEXT Milestone Issue!
Regardless of why you're reading this, maybe some of you might one day like to be among the published writers, able to reap whatever incentive or benefit that you seek. Today, I will reveal some thus far "secret" writing tips that will equip you for the 600th Issue.

by tealnova_dragon


Fuzzeh Logic
Looks like we'll need a new coloured couch...

by jackjack1234


Happens All the Time

by missepigerne


Neoboard Adventures - The Neopian Pound
Seeking DUCKs!!!

by blue_thunder94


Falling in Love
I once created a pet with the intention of trading her.

by teaspill

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