Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 189,237,041 Issue: 550 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y14
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New Series

Kings and Curses: Part One

At that moment, the door swung open, and Jazan looked up – it was his son, Caspar. At sixteen, the desert Ixi was now just as tall as his father...

by saphira_27
A House Divided Cannot Stand: Part One

"I have the best family altogether," Moondatta said. "We're pretty cool, really."

"Yeah," Ben agreed. "We are pretty awesome, aren't we?"

by dragon_soul__

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"Guilty Conscience" by aria_imp
Brynn blinked. "Did you just try to pick pocket a guard?" "Unnggg," said the thief pitifully. It was a scruffy Ixi. His paws waved like feeble seaweed. Brynn let up a little as Malgan strolled toward them. The hard-eyed Usul watched silently, and Brynn knew that her brain should be babbling protocol at her at the speed of light and that she should be listening to it, but she couldn't stop staring at the Ixi disbelievingly. "Were you dropped on the head a lot as a child?" she said wonderingly...

Other Stories


The Veritable Connoisseur
"I also know that you need only fifty more foods in order to get first place in the club, so I decided to send you something that could shorten your list down to forty-nine..."

by dragonstorm_75


Five-Hundred Fifty Little Stars
"Shh," she cut him off. "Don't move. There's something in the woods."

by foreverthyme


Falling in Love
I once created a pet with the intention of trading her.

by teaspill


Letter from Petpet Consultants, Inc.
Our firm followed last year's celebrations closely and we were, like many of your guests, disappointed by the low Weewoo turnout. Weewoos can be difficult to attract at the best of times...

Also by _razcalz_

by larkspurlane


Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Get Off My 550 Comic!
Something bad is gonna happen!

Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__


The Weird Thing About Water Pets
The BEST part!

by dirigibleplums

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