Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 189,237,041 Issue: 550 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y14
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Continued Series

Only Human: Part Four

The house was empty, save for the piles of money sitting around her. One and a half million neopoints...

by futurevetpet
Greenglade: Part Ten

Without another word Lorelei fired a dark purple ball at Laerya. The Cybunny ducked; the ball hit the roof...

by aquadaika
Mr. Jennings Must Die: Part Six

"Now listen," Black threatened him. "I came here for answers, and I'm going to get them, one way or another."

by herdygerdy
The Game of Master Hog: Part Four

Radiant halls, a glimmer in the night skyline, unseen by all but by those within. A place where the poor will find riches, and the rich will come to get poorer...

by d_morton
The Eternal Paint Brushes: Part Three

Sheldon couldn't think of what to do. He couldn't break free of King Altador's grasp.

by rider_galbatorix
Petpet Adventures: Mistress Maxie's Marvellous Circus - Part Two

"Why did you invite a stranger here?" Karnu asked indignantly.

by rachelindea
Finding a Home: Part Three

"I had room, but then I got books!" the Ixi giggled. "Books, books, books!"

by angelpuss535
The Mystery of the Maraquan Ball: Part Two

"I think someone else is on your petpage," Grey answered and pulled out the chair so she could sit down. She waited as Lady's eyes scanned the page.

by wingedwithfeathers
Of Squibble Berries and Olives: Part Two

"Huh? Oh, yes, I just... wanted a little time to myself," Brynn said with a sigh. She continued to stare out the window.

by shy_gurl1983
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Voice of Neopia: 550th Issue

Who better to dedicate this 550th issue article to than the famous Jazan and Hanso? Jazan made his first editorial closing in issue 489 after Hanso posted a very dashing picture of one handsome blue Ixi thief there. From then on, the dynamic duo has come to define a part of this Neopian Times culture by bringing joy to editorial readers everywhere...

Other Stories


Battle of the Ixi
There were a variety of things Hanso would have preferred doing on a Saturday, none of which included being at the The Hidden Tower for a large celebration in honor of the 550th issue of the Neopian Times.

by illumiinate


Harix5 Finds the Thief
Straight away I know something is wrong. All my things are in exactly the same place, but they are just too neat.

by missdevil107


Customize for 550!
Do you love the Neopian Times? Do you love to customize? If so, then this guide is for you!

by rikarie


Recommended Strategies for the NEXT Milestone Issue!
Regardless of why you're reading this, maybe some of you might one day like to be among the published writers, able to reap whatever incentive or benefit that you seek. Today, I will reveal some thus far "secret" writing tips that will equip you for the 600th Issue.

by tealnova_dragon


Have a Good Day!

by aruanahansel


Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Get Off My 550 Comic!
Something bad is gonna happen!

Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__

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