Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 187,881,946 Issue: 520 | 11th day of Storing, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The Mad Scientist's eyes widened in glee, and Spirit had the impression that they were spiraling faster than usual. "Ah, of course, bring it this way." He turned and slipped between two contraptions that stretched from the cold, shiny floor all the way up to the exposed beams and ducts crisscrossing the ceiling. Following him, Spirit found herself in a narrow corridor, which twisted, made a sharp left turn, went up an elevator, spiraled down a ramp, and finally ended up... right where they had started.

Best Bargains for Gifting

With the season of gifting past approaching, the snazziest among us have already started planning and saving for the biggest, brightest and merriest holiday season yet. And Year 13 has not failed to impress, delivering up some of the best bargains to be had in Neopia since Balthazar's faerie giveaway! Whether you are an expert bargain hunter, a neopoint-conscious fashionista, or just another Neopian simply wanting to make a big impression for a small price, here are the top 10 best bargains to be had in Year 13...

Cash through Gaming

Whatever your method of making money, it's quite possible that you are attached to it, and not ready to adopt a new strategy – after all, you tried that once, and it's just not for you. However, the Neopian Game Room is one place where even if you don't feel like a game expert, you can make money like a pro. It's a place where even a few minutes a day can help you grow your bank account quickly if you use it wisely. It's very easy to make the game room work for you if you're familiar with how it works! Just follow these steps!

The Pound Uncovered

Conveniently, you happen to have your tape deck right next to you. There is approximately five seconds of static before a voice crackles from the deck. "Ahem-hem-hem. Dis ish shpeshul weportar Cowawi weporting! Hewwo cite-taye-shuns of Neopia! I am a baby wupe, and for your instruation, I will be-" The voice cuts off, followed by a series of irregular thumps. It sounds almost like – a baby Lupe chasing after a butterfly? What put that idea into your head? You listen on. A particularly...

Other Stories
"Late Again, Rachael?" by peace_love1212
After what seemed like an eternity, the final bell rang. I grabbed my books and went home. The walk seemed a lot longer than usual, maybe because of the rain, the perfect salt and vinegar topping on the mud pie that was today. When I got home, I slumped into the couch with a cold cola in paw. I unzipped my backpack and dumped out the contents. I sorted through an assortment of writing instruments, some...

"What is Truly Important" by bluefeatheredwings
Mr. Benjamin did have a routine, which was to buy a scratchcard from the kiosk before making his way to the food stall to buy his meals for the day; after which, he would return back to his home and store. It was a simple routine, but it worked well for him. There was a long line leading up to the Scratchcard Kiosk, but Mr. Benjamin reached the front without much waiting. He smiled...

"Our Side of the Story" by bellyboo_97
"Does it feel weird to you that an abandoned hole would have lanterns?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Sammy shrugged. "Who cares? This is fun." Nipper sighed. It was hard for him, being the only one with any sense. Sammy was generally more interested in adventure than anything else, and although Blue was smart, he was too jittery to be of much use. They kept moving until it became...

Give Your Neopets A Palace

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Making Fast Cash through Gaming - Month of Storing
It's all about finding what's right for you, but here's a nice place to start.

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Treasure Keeper Adventures
I'd like to buy this.

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