Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 187,881,946 Issue: 520 | 11th day of Storing, Y13
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New Series

What's in a Name?: Part One

"I'm Cara, by the way, nice to meet you."

"I'm sure it is," Edna replied gruffly. "Personally I've never had the pleasure."

by herdygerdy

Big Big and Little Big: Part One

Ms. Lumberdut swept into Neovia on a chill Sunday evening. She was an austere, frightening Skeith who had worked herself down to a most impressively slim figure. She had her hair wrestled back into a severe schoolmarm's bun, for that's what she was...

by fuzzymonkey31
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Best Bargains for Gifting

With the season of gifting past approaching, the snazziest among us have already started planning and saving for the biggest, brightest and merriest holiday season yet. And Year 13 has not failed to impress, delivering up some of the best bargains to be had in Neopia since Balthazar's faerie giveaway! Whether you are an expert bargain hunter, a neopoint-conscious fashionista, or just another Neopian simply wanting to make a big impression for a small price, here are the top 10 best bargains to be had in Year 13...

Other Stories


What is Truly Important
While he didn't have a precise schedule, Mr. Benjamin did have a routine, which was to buy a scratchcard from the kiosk before making his way to the food stall to buy his meals for the day...

by bluefeatheredwings


Neopian Story Time: The Great Cybunny Theft
Loni shrugged. "My dad always lets me look through his stuff. These are just trinkets. He keeps all the really important stuff locked away."

by ilovemycatembers


Sending Your Neopet to School?
My neopets have attended all of the schools so that they can give me a full review of their quality. Read their reviews and consider where your pet is going to school!

by cadetbush


Cover Your Cough - 9 Ways of Avoiding the Neoflu
What's that? You have the neoflu? Well, that's going to put a huge damper on things. Too bad you didn't invest the time to learn about Neoflu Prevention.

by lil_princess_of_evil


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 5)
*tugs* Why is the mask stuck?

by blackaavar


Meanwhile, at Kiss The Mortog...
Kissy Kissy Kissy!

by qelato

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