Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,643,725 Issue: 476 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y13
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"What could be worse than getting captured?"

"Ever been shoe shopping with three sisters who only want to talk about high heels? Yeah. That was probably the most horrific day of my life."

Y12 in Review

As a new year dawns over Neopia and all its denizens, we have to look in wonder as to what the year will bring. With Year 12 nothing short than a gleam in the lid of memories, we look back at the year that was with all its wonder and glory. What can be said of the events of Year 12? Some say it was one of the most exciting years ever. Others would say it was...

Tips for a Great 2011!

Time flies when you're having fun, and I'm sure you've all experienced the feeling of looking at your calendar and realising that half the year has flown by without you even noticing, or achieving the things you wanted to achieve! So, to help get 2011 off to a great start, I've compiled a handy list of tips to help you get organised and achieve your dreams...

Get The Xandra Look!

Now we've finally uncovered the character that's at the heart of this disaster; Xandra. That's right, it was the seemingly ordinary librarian all along. But love or hate her, you cannot deny the girl has style! Those groovy threads... the luscious locks of hair... and the 'I'm so smart I understand algebra!' glasses. In my article here I shall be taking you through step by step in creating THE perfect Xandra look...

Other Stories
"Figment of your Imagination" by _fancee_
"Missy." She beckoned for a green Zafara with one hoof. "I see a monster." The Zafara with mittens on her front paws jumped up, fur tufted tail tip flicking as she gazed intently at an empty spot between two gnarled pines. "Oh yes, I see it." She nodded. "It looks hungry. Did you know they only eat at night?"

"The Book" by xcfiver
He was paddling back to shore, his small pirate ship in ruins, and most of his fortune at the bottom of the sea. Truth be told, all was not lost. He had managed to fill his lifeboat with many dubloons. He wasn't sure quite how much he had, but it would be enough to get a new ship or maybe even start up a small business. But of course, he would have to lay low for a while....

"Of Aisha-Bots and Crate-Moving" by foreverh0mes
"Dalia, I'll ask you again – LOOSEN UP!" Kalsau demanded. The Robot Aisha had had Sloth's obedience program downloaded into her system years ago and she only acted according to the work schedule. In the time Kalsau had known her, she had never acted like a normal pet. The white Grundo had no...

Made With the Finest Chia Flour

This week's issue is brought to you by: Neopian Fresh Foods
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A new Key Quest board
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