Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 191,643,725 Issue: 476 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y13
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New Series

Honest Lu: Part One

"Okay, Blossoms, listen up," Lukio announced spiritedly, the shadow Xweetok banging her purple hairbrush on the wooden chest that stood in front of her bed. "I think I may have an idea for our next Blossom's Good Deed."

by puppy_girl252
College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part One

Meadowbuck felt annoyed. That was not the first emotion he'd expected after being thrown to a watery grave. But honestly, he was annoyed.

by newenglandquizzer
The Great Race: Part One

"We could so beat you in a race!"

by solcana64
Of Aisha-Bots and Crate-Moving: Part One

"This behavior is inexcusable. You have taken an unauthorized break period. You will be reported to the grand and almighty Sloth."

by foreverh0mes
I'm Runner: Part One

"Only four pets per family."

by peachwriting
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"Figment of your Imagination" by _fancee_
"Missy." She beckoned for a green Zafara with one hoof. "I see a monster." The Zafara with mittens on her front paws jumped up, fur tufted tail tip flicking as she gazed intently at an empty spot between two gnarled pines. "Oh yes, I see it." She nodded. "It looks hungry. Did you know they only eat at night?"

Other Stories


Laurel Blossoms
Here they were. Another holiday season, and still no place to call home. Their room at the pound was decorated a little bit...

by glutenne


Under That Large Tree
"We can all try, but in the end, we need to rest, and sometimes we have to step back and let others help us."

by precious_katuch14


Tyranu-Whatu!? Tips For a Classic "High/Low" Game!
Those silly Tyrannians! Always confusing us in their language...

by hamzandrilez


Get The Xandra Look!
Love or hate her, you cannot deny the girl has style!

by schoolwars


Neopets Phisics Wonders - Flying Coconutty
This will make the perfect gift...

by hidden_0_o


A new Key Quest board
We all love the new Ice Caves board!

by djudju22_8

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