"Figment of your Imagination" by _fancee_ "Missy." She beckoned for a green Zafara with one hoof. "I see a monster." The Zafara with mittens on her front paws jumped up, fur tufted tail tip flicking as she gazed intently at an empty spot between two gnarled pines. "Oh yes, I see it." She nodded. "It looks hungry. Did you know they only eat at night?"
Of Aisha-Bots and Crate-Moving: Part One "This behavior is inexcusable. You have taken an unauthorized break period. You will be reported to the grand and almighty Sloth."
The Play's the Thing: Part Three Archie poked his head through the curtains, taking a look at the audience. "They seem alright," he reported back to the others still on stage.