Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 176,077,302 Issue: 420 | 25th day of Storing, Y11
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I was never her favorite, but now she wanted to abandon me? This couldn't be happening! Give me up? To relieve your stress? Jessica! You really don't love me.

Usuls Rock!

I love Usuls. I always have and I always will. Have you ever seen an Usul?! They're so cute! I don't understand why they are not one of the top three species on this site. They SHOULD be!! I have three Usuls of my very own (a faerie, a royal girl, and a rainbow), and I love them very much! Why, you ask? Well, I'll share with you the top 10 reasons I just totally love Usuls...

Faerie Cloud Racers

With the release of Faerie Cloud Racers, Neopians were queuing up to see the lengthy battles between the magical quest bringers. Being such an admired sport, the game was recently updated. Extreme Faerie Cloud Racers allows you to play as one of the faeries in a fast paced game of quick reflexes and rapid thinking. If you are having difficulty getting used to the new game, then...

Half Price Day

It's a big world out there, and planning is absolutely mandatory if you don't want to lose out to other Neopians. As the saying goes - If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. The same logic applies here. First of all, you will need to have an idea of which shops sell items that are easier to restock. For beginners, I suggest the Collectable Card shop, Fine Furniture, Slushie Shop and the Chocolate Factory. After getting the hang of it...

Other Stories
"Looks Don't Matter" by zxc5000_3
We walked down the path, almost passing a bush, but I heard ruffling noises coming from inside. I just knew that the Pant Devil was going to come out and steal Rodie's new stuff, so I stood in front of her and protected her like the big brother I was. I loved looking so strong...

"The Wise Whoot: Guardian of the Elements" by bluehamster9981
Blaze put his head back down. Sure, he loved being back with his family, but he couldn't help feel that something was missing. No, he knew what was missing: Zihark, the famous Wise Whoot of legend, also Blaze's...

"The Shadow of Neopia" by amitybelle
The rest are asleep because, really, it's the sensible thing to be doing in the middle of the night. But not me. Which is a good thing. Because if I had been safe at home, tucked up in bed like a sensible Neopian, I wouldn't have this story to share. It was a...

Back Again, Neopians? You Never Learn!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Gamesmaster Challenge
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Great stories!


Talk About Random
Hmm... Maybe we were too late...

by buizelmaniac


Geraptiku - Lost and Found
He went for the treasure, He came home with so much more.

by baby_lake


The Turkey Day Adventure
The silly Acara had forgotten to put food in his bowl again. With an irritated chirp, the gobbler began to peck at one of her shoestrings.

by dlandwehrs4816


Obsession: Part Two
It had taken him years to finally begin to carve a picture of them in his mind, slowly transferring it to canvas in a corner of the study, a monochrome image of three grim individuals...

by d_morton


The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Broomsticks: Part Five
"Do you see why we don't trust witches?" one of the faeries asked kindly...

by buds_and_authors

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