Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 176,077,302 Issue: 420 | 25th day of Storing, Y11
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Darigan Dodgeball!

Some of us sure know how to hold a grudge!

Art by abigail_78

by xox_cloud_xox

A Neo Look Neopia's Trees

by jewelia52
Faerie Follies: Illusen

Illusen hasn't got much confidence in us. Idea by epode

by ivie_outrage
Neopian Anomaly

In which we have a nice, thorough afternote.

by lizica166
Wicked Warf Wobble

If you thought all Warfs were nice, think again!

by periodicage
Freedom to the Funny Pages- Kass Basher


by nickulla
Point of No Return


by darkshadowofthenite
Steps To Neopian World Domination (Part 4 of 4)

To dominate Neopia, a villain must know what he's doing...

by wingsofathena
The Riddle


by elyse229522952295

I didn't know! Honest!!

by imulsion
Famous Much?!

Every neopet deserves their 15 seconds of fame. Or in this case... 5... or fine, 3.

by toffeedatepudding
Sleeping Usul

Z z z...

by brushfire_fairytales
Colour-Blind #6

It smells of artists!~

by subzeroace
The Good, The Bad, And The Fluffy


by ezel68
The Sand Apple!


by shade876
Pun Intended

Dark? Really?

Concept by bren159

by taz_241590

Something Has... Happened?

Dr. Sloth appears and hands you... wait, where are you going?

by kiwibutter
Caution: May Bite

You're so far away that I could barely hear you!

by beastybas
Soy Sauce

Sometimes it's fine to lose.

by black_kisa
Not the Best Idea

Haven't you always wanted a glowing pet of your very own?

by dusty
Kiochi-The Food Shop Chia

That's why...

by chibino
Bloated o_0

On second thought... that's an awful lot of meat...

by xx_wolf_xx_cub_xx
You Can't Put A Price On Free

A comic for those of you who have an inventory that consists of omelettes.

by pink_nautilus
Test Your Patience

I'm pretty sure you'd successfully test your strength by picking up the Turmaculus... Lol.

by dandeh
Avatar Hunt: Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity

What a poor unwanted little guy, maybe you should talk to him...

by givemeapicklemann
Talk About Random

Hmm... Maybe we were too late...

by buizelmaniac
Pen vs Sword

And the victor is...

by you_are_my_happiness
Our Hero!

Now we all know where Jordie disappears to!

by timmyythegreat405
Blah Blah Christmas (Part 1 of 4)

Christmas cheer and a neohome on fire....

by highwind20
Mud Coffee of the Ancients

Based on a true story.

by goron0000
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Faerie Cloud Racers

With the release of Faerie Cloud Racers, Neopians were queuing up to see the lengthy battles between the magical quest bringers. Being such an admired sport, the game was recently updated. Extreme Faerie Cloud Racers allows you to play as one of the faeries in a fast paced game of quick reflexes and rapid thinking. If you are having difficulty getting used to the new game, then...

Other Stories


A New Breed of Heroine
But she was here to prove something. To herself. The rest of Neopia may judge her, but she wasn't doing this for them.

by sylviau


The Turkey Day Adventure
The silly Acara had forgotten to put food in his bowl again. With an irritated chirp, the gobbler began to peck at one of her shoestrings.

by dlandwehrs4816


The Good Neohome
It is easy and inexpensive to create a neohome! Here are some tips!

by purple_ranger16


A Discarding Discussion: Where Does it All Go?
I realized something wasn't adding up. In theory, there should be discarded items everywhere!

by lutari_lover_555


Fireheart: Part Five
"What about the head seamstress, Jen?" asked Gwen, looking down at our list of possible suspects so far.

by royal_magicain


How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part Four
"These days we prefer to be called the Living Impaired."

by herdygerdy

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