Meow Circulation: 175,179,247 Issue: 370 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The problem with things being perfect is that there is no way for them to improve and therefore, the only way is back down to the imperfect again.

Tilting Without Terror

When the game starts, direct it to the hoop the Bruce needs to go to. As soon as the Bruce enters the correct hoop, again quickly position your mouse pointer to the center. This method works towards not losing your mouse pointer, and those precious lives. If you need to make time, because the hoops are on the move, try to center your Bruce or make him rest against some sort of obstacle. Be careful, the stage is constantly moving...

Solitaire = Zombies?

The zombification process appears to occur after extended playing of Sakhmet Solitaire. Motivated by boredom or a simple delight in playing Solitaire, Neopians approach the Sakhmet Solitaire Tent in the middle of the City of Sakhmet, greeting the Desert Chomby who lies in wait. The different rules catch many by surprise, but they often ignore the potential despair hiding within the cards to play a quick game. One game turns into...

Do-Gooders of Neopia

Fellow do-gooders! What is coming up soon this December? That's right- the HOLIDAYS! Well, what are the holidays all about? Yep- doing good! But the big question is where to start? Where am I to go to make this world a better place? Well, I've decided to share my knowledge of doing good to you fellow Neopians, so that you, too, may spread joy throughout Neopia...

Other Stories
"The Perfect Petpet for Sophie" by a_greenparrot
Sophie grabbed a stool and looked down at her concoction. It was a bubbling brown. She shook her head. "This isn't right," she muttered to herself. Suddenly the brown goop began to dry out and shrink. Soon all the she was left with was a pile of brown pellets. "Where did I go wrong?"

"The Mystery Island Breakfast Line" by skullkandies
Brandine sighs defeatedly and walks to the back with Laela. The line is still large, and once again, they have to wait their turn to get to the front. As they continue this endless wait, Brandine constantly reminds Laela NOT to get distracted, and NOT to leave the line for any reason. Laela tells her...

"Diary of a Teenage Faerie: Persephone " by rookina
Privately she couldn't wait to find out where her talents would lie, but she would never admit publicly to being that impatient - especially not to Miss Perfect Isabella. It wasn't Isabella's fault that she was the oldest in the class, almost thirteen, and a fully fledged light faerie. She was tall and graceful...

Vine A Way Through The Jungle

This week's issue is brought to you by: Jungle Raider
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The Hero Society - #12
...In which we finally get to see some indoor scenery!

by bearcatt


Toilet Paper Scraps::
Poor Hasee... :(

by friedcheekin


That's Weird...
Is it 'toe-may-toe'?

by __cuti3patooti3__


Prevent Blumaroo Cruelty
A terrible truth about the Blumaroos of Neopia.

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo


Samson, the Pirate Lupe: Lost Memories - Part Three
"I'm afraid you'll have to get used to it," he said in a thin voice. "You won't get much peace and quiet down here."

by firedoomcaster

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